Our American Republic has been Re-Inhabited in 1994. It went through some turmoil, was able to retain its integrity and by 2010 has completed all its Lawful documentation. Every un-Lawful corporation controlling our nation, nationally and inter-nationally has been put on notice. We the people of America must register to be an elector and to complete our assemblies for every county. Please follow and review all links below and: SHARE-SHARE-SHARE
The Bill of Rights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQNiBQehwp8
Sandy training call 12/17/24 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/recorded_audio?audioRecordingUrl=https%3A%2F%2Frs0000.freeconferencecall.com%2Fstorage%2FsgetFCC2%2FIgyO9%2FGNKRE
Dr Sandy Miarecki Lt Col, USAF (retired) Transition to the Republic Live, How to Save America! #340 https://rumble.com/v617bcn-dr-sandy-miarecki-lt-col-usaf-retired-transition-to-the-republic-live-1220.html
Special Guest: Sandy Miarecki! Ret.Lt.Col USAF, PhD., Republic for the United States of America! https://rumble.com/v60vwwt-special-guest-sandy-miarecki-ret.lt.col-usaf-phd.-republic-for-the-united-s.html
Archives: https://www.archives.gov/
Sandy training call 12-3-24 https://fccdl.in/qMkTKCrV5p
Jon Dowling & Sandy Miarecki Discuss Trump, Military, Iraq & Med Beds Dec 24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-IBXrT2yZo
Republic For The United States Of America | President Geiger | Info In Description & Comment Section https://rumble.com/v5fl0np-republic-for-the-united-states-of-america-president-geiger-info-in-descript.html
12.16.24 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio w/ Lt. Col. Ret. Sandy Miarecki, Restoration of The Original, Republic https://rumble.com/v5zzjbz-12.16.24-the-tipping-point-on-revolution.radio-with-lt.-col.-ret.-sandy-mia.html
Republic Re-Inhabited audio books download links: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/fbgtss3752ww5/Re-inhabited_audio_books
Republic: Sandy M talk with Holly 8/29/24 lots of info https://buy4less-hosting.com/audios/Holly-Dr_Sandy-Republic-Call_08-29-2024.mp3
“The Walls Have Fallen” Gorsuch and The People’s Jericho (God’s Glory) https://rumble.com/v5b3cm5-the-walls-have-fallen-gorsuch-and-the-peoples-jericho-gods-glory.html
US Marines Active | Trump: 25thAmdmt+WW3+FINSYS Event Inbound | Trump Assassination & Tesla Biohealing Butler, PA https://rumble.com/v5djg85-us-marines-active-trump-25thamdmt-ww3-finsys-event-inbound-tesla-bio.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=QNewsPatriot
The Missing 13th Amendment: — No Lawyers allowed in Public Office — https://mainerepublicemailalert.wordpress.com/2016/02/20/the-missing-13th-amendment-no-lawyers-allowed-in-public-office/
Bill of Rights (1791) https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/bill-of-rights
Former Air Force Pilot Lt. Col/ Dr. Sandy Miarecki joins us at A Conservative Perspective https://www.blogtalkradio.com/patriotnation/2024/09/05/a-conservative-perspective
*****(7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States https://rumble.com/v56q4qj-7122024-sg-sits-down-w-usaf-ret.-lt-col-dr.-sandy-miarecki-to-discuss-the-r.html *****
*****Declaration of Sovereign Intent & Proclamation of Claim and Interest of the Republic for the United States of America https://odysee.com/@PresidentGeiger:c/Declaration-of-Sovereign-Intent---Proclamation-of-Claim-and-Interest-of-the-Republic-for-the-United-States-of-America:c
Republic's main site for more info and materials: https://republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org
click this link to register: https://members.republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org *****
Restoring The American Dream - USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki https://rumble.com/v59zy2q-restoring-the-american-dream-usaf-lt-col-ret-dr.-sandy-miarecki.html
THE GREAT AMERICAN HICKS SHOW - EPISODE #10 https://rumble.com/v5cc51u-the-great-american-hicks-show-episode-10.html
THE GREAT AMERICAN HICKS SHOW - EPISODE #9 (The Patriots, The Republic, The Plan - PART IV) https://rumble.com/v5byow5-the-great-american-hicks-show-episode-9-the-patriots-the-republic-the-plan-.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
THE GREAT AMERICAN HICKS SHOW - EPISODE #8 (The Patriots, The Republic, The Plan - PART III) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--N6D4a-3Iw
THE GREAT AMERICAN HICKS SHOW - EPISODE #6 (The Patriots, The Republic, The Plan - PART I) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGLVF8Y3zqs
THE GREAT AMERICAN HICKS SHOW - EPISODE #7 (The Patriots, The Republic, The Plan - PART II) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNHZSX9kxfQ
President Geiger on Implementation of the Northwest Ordinance https://republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org/president-geiger-on-implementation-of-the-northwest-ordinance/
President Geiger https://odysee.com/@PresidentGeiger:c
Sandy training call 11-12-24 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/recorded_audio?audioRecordingUrl=https%3A%2F%2Frs0000.freeconferencecall.com%2Fstorage%2FsgetFCC2%2FIgyO9%2FBjx8g
Riccardo Bosi "Trump News" - The Biggest Disclosure Yet - No One Expected This https://rumble.com/v5nhua5-riccardo-bosi-trump-news-the-biggest-disclosure-yet-no-one-expected-this.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Restored%20Republic%20via%20Q
[lets see if he keeps these promises] Agenda47: The official plan "To Dismantle the Deep State and Return Power to the American People" https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/agenda47-the-official-plan-to-dismantle?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1658626&post_id=151363180&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=pqh8x&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email
Sandy’s Training call 4 Feb 2025 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/recorded_audio?audioRecordingUrl=https%3A%2F%2Frs0000.freeconferencecall.com%2Fstorage%2FsgetFCC2%2FIgyO9%2FIQvypK
Sandy training call 11-5-24 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/recorded_audio?audioRecordingUrl=https%3A%2F%2Frs0000.freeconferencecall.com%2Fstorage%2FsgetFCC2%2FIgyO9%2Fa1MyVy
How to Create a Lawful Assembly: https://www.awakenandunite.com/republic [scroll down to the video]
Book “Law of Nations” https://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/whatmore-the-law-of-nations-lf-ed
Maintaining the Parallel Status of the Republic for the united States of America Interim Government https://republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Interim-Government-Parallel-to-the-de-facto-PR456127604RUSA-05Jul2024.pdf
Carrie Madej, Osteopath & Researcher, interviews Sandra Miarecki https://vimeo.com/999696561/020a819dae?share=copy#t=0
Video’s on reclaiming our Republic https://odysee.com/@PresidentGeiger:c
8.22.24 Patriot Streetfighter w/ Lt. Col. (Ret) Dr Sandy Miarecki, REPUBLIC RESTORED! https://rumble.com/v5bvvbx-8.22.24-patriot-streetfighter-w-lt.-col.-ret-dr-sandy-miarecki-republic-res.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
The Daily 302 -Dr. Sandy Miarecki and Dr. Mark Childress https://rumble.com/v5bxxlv-the-daily-302-dr.-sandy-miarecki-and-dr.-mark-childress.html
The Military And The Act of Treason 2Q24 https://rumble.com/v5f8c5p-must-see-the-military-and-the-act-of-treason-2q24.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Situation%20Update
Tuesday training call with Sandy https://fccdl.in/wYIUF4Opei
Watch in it's entirety 6+mins. The veil has been lifted https://www.facebook.com/watch/?extid=CL-UNK-UNK-UNK-IOS_GK0T-GK1C&v=1455056528361649
Public Notice President Geiger: https://republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Public-Notice-RR950286699RUSA.pdf
Sandy Miarecki Discusses Secret War Between Trump's Republic & Deep State with Nicholas Veniamin https://rumble.com/v5ek1gl-sandy-miarecki-discusses-secret-war-between-trumps-republic-and-deep-state-.html
Once In A Blue Moon Our Republic site to buy our Republic Flags and more: https://www.onceinabluemoon.shop/
How to create a lawful Assembly https://www.awakenandunite.com/republic?wix-vod-video-id=b27a0f028f62495892f80c564faa1e75&wix-vod-comp-id=comp-lhrljiex
HISA.TV- #337- America's Last Chance talks with Sandy Miarecki on the Republic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHwjyD0gZsw
SGAnon - US CORP, Geopolitical & Financial, Jekyll Island & More https://rumble.com/v5ev8i2-sganon-us-corp-geopolitical-and-financial-jekyll-island-and-more.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Up%20Front%20In%20The%20Prophetic
The US Corporation has to Fail in order for the Military to Step in, Are we there YET? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kyenDPvbZU
SG Sits Down w/ Nurse Practitioner Patti Gilliano for an Incredible Account of Medical Humanicide https://prepareforchange.net/2024/09/12/sg-sits-down-w-nurse-practitioner-patti-gilliano-for-an-incredible-account-of-medical-humanicide/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sg-sits-down-w-nurse-practitioner-patti-gilliano-for-an-incredible-account-of-medical-humanicide
Proof and Timeline of the US Corporation https://rumble.com/v5c5vm9-proof-and-timeline-of-the-us-corporation.html
Congress renames the nation “United States of America” https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/congress-renames-the-nation-united-states-of-america
Congressman Mcfadden On The Federal Reserve Corporation https://archive.org/stream/CongressmanMcfaddenOnTheFederalReserveCorporation/CongressmanMcfaddenOnTheFederalReserveCorp_djvu.txt
Longshoreman Strike to transfer US Ports back to American Ports under USMCA Treaty https://x.com/jackstr42679640/status/1841371969985593731
How JFKs 60yr-Plan to Restore America was Carried Out by Sovereign Patriots, Verified by WH Military https://rumble.com/v5gl5l1-how-jfks-60yr-plan-to-restore-america-was-carried-out-by-sovereign-patriots.html
Sandy10m on rumble: https://rumble.com/user/sandy10m
How to save America - Reinhabited Republic https://rumble.com/v1ycpk0-how-to-save-america-reinhabited-republic.html
El Paso County Committee of Safety - Preamble reading 1 https://rumble.com/vuq2j2-el-paso-county-committee-of-safety-preamble-reading-1.html?e9s=src_v1_upp
El Paso County Committee of Safety - Preamble reading 2 https://rumble.com/vuq42w-el-paso-county-committee-of-safety-preamble-reading-2.html?e9s=src_v1_upp
El Paso County Committee of Safety - Preamble reading 3 https://rumble.com/vuqod6-el-paso-county-committee-of-safety-preamble-reading-3.html?e9s=src_v1_upp
El Paso County Committee of Safety - County Commissioners 16 Nov 2021 https://rumble.com/vurwnw-el-paso-county-committee-of-safety-county-commissioners-16-nov-2021.html?e9s=src_v1_upp
September 17, 2024 with guest Dr. Sandra Miarecki https://www.cancelthecabal.net/host-blog/september-17-2024-with-guest-dr-sandra-miarecki
Sandy training call 11/19/24 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/recorded_audio?audioRecordingUrl=https%3A%2F%2Frs0000.freeconferencecall.com%2Fstorage%2FsgetFCC2%2FIgyO9%2FIRnjjn
Sandy training call 11-12-24 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/recorded_audio?audioRecordingUrl=https%3A%2F%2Frs0000.freeconferencecall.com%2Fstorage%2FsgetFCC2%2FIgyO9%2FBjx8g
Governors, "Jane Ellen Greenstein", Indiana Republic Governor, "Kirk Wheeler" & West Virginia Governor "Anthony J, Miley" https://buy4less-hosting.com/audios/Tim-Turner-Meet-Greet-6.mp3
A great educational source! Free Hillsdale College Course: Constitution-101: Meaning and History of the Constitution
Sheila Holm, 'For the Sake of America' Series Part 1, joins His Glory: Take FiVe https://rumble.com/v2dk45k-sheila-holm-for-the-sake-of-america-series-part-1-joins-his-glory-take-five.html
2.23.25 Patriot Streetfighter w/ Lt. Col. (Ret.) Dr. Sandy Miarecki, USAF B-52 Pilot [update on infiltration] https://rumble.com/v6nswic-2.23.25-patriot-streetfighter-w-lt.-col.-ret.-dr.-sandy-miarecki-usaf-b-52-.html
Public Notice 2/16/2025 https://republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Public-Notice-RR950286756RUSA.pdf
Jon Dowling & Sandy Miarecki Discuss Trump, Doge & Nesara Gesara Feb 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKhtxygymJw
The Story of America’s Constitution https://www.nhinet.org/primarydocs-mob-new.htm
Hi everyone, I had an opportunity to put all of the Republic's military involvement into one document, which is pasted below. This is to answer questions from folks that want more evidence of the authenticity of this Republic. Feel free to share with anyone you wish. God bless, Sandy Miarecki --- The good guy military started off with a group of patriotic retired generals around the time of the JFK assassination in 1963. They've been working on this plan to save America for 60 years. That same group of patriots had 300 members killed when they acted too soon, and the Clintons had them killed (during his presidency, 1993-2001). That same group of military were the ones that approached Tim Turner and his colleagues/patriots that were teaching Constitution classes and had a radio show, back in late 2008. They needed to restore the Republic, before April 1, 2010, because of a treaty/executive order from Pres Bush Sr (1989-1993) when the United Nations would be allowed to take over America in "times of unrest." This is called Suzerainty. Tim Turner prayed and fasted so that God would tell him what to do to restore the Republic. Tim's prayers were answered, and he wrote down the plan that he was told. He brought the plan to the military, and they asked him where the plan came from, because it was the best plan they had seen in 50 years. The patriots were successful, and had at least 26 states reseated by that date, from the counties on up. Then in Nov 2010, during the first Continental Congress, Tim Turner was chosen as President of the Republic. In the next few years, Tim attended several meetings with the military in Arlington and Atlanta. That same group of military had a meeting with two members (retired military) of the Republic in 2013. Two retired generals and their staffs had a three day meeting going over every single word and sentence in the Republic's Declaration of sovereign intent, and Proclamation of claim and interest. These were the documents that were noticed (with receipts) to the United Nations, Universal Postal Union, The International Court at the Hague, and other required organizations, as required by international law. At the end of those days with the generals, everyone understood what had been accomplished and that it was 100% constitutional and lawful. They declared the Republic was the authentic government of the United States of America. One of those generals became very active with the Republic for many years. In 2013, Tim Turner was kidnapped by Obama's and Biden's (and Killary's) 3 letter agencies, and thrown in prison for fake crimes, and set up for a kangaroo court to ensure he went to prison. The Republic was nearly destroyed by the infiltrators, from about 22 million followers/active members down to only a few hundred when nearly everyone ran away. Only about 8 or 9 states had some sort of representation after 2014, even though all 50 states were nearly fully represented before that. Through line of succession, James Buchanan Geiger, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, became the President while Tim Turner was in prison. That same group of military recruited Donald Trump to be the president in 2016. Trump reached out to Pres Geiger to have a meeting about the Republic, but both of them discussed it and realized that it would be too dangerous for both of them to have that meeting. Geiger told Trump to focus on getting elected, and they could meet later. Of course Trump was elected, but that meeting never took place for various reasons. That same group of military communicates with us sporadically to give us updates, what I affectionately call breadcrumbs because it's not a whole lot of information, and we have to interpret and connect the dots. Since the beginning, the military has said that once the Republic was restored, it would be a "10 year plan", which would have been around 2020. We all know what happened then. And here we are today.
**2 national governments, This fact was made clear by Supreme Court Justice Marshall Harlan (Downes v. Bidwell, 182, U.S. 244 1901) by giving the following dissenting opinion: “... two national governments exist; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions; the other to be maintained by Congress outside and Independently of that Instrument.” The Restore America Plan reclaimed the De Jure institutions of government of the 50 State Republics in order to restore Common Law that represents the voice of the people and ends Corporate Law that ignores the voice of the people while operating under Maritime/Admiralty/International Law. This occurred when warrants were delivered to all 50 Governors on March 30, 2010**
REPUBLIC FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WITH DR SANDY MIARECK & PAUL BROOKER https://rumble.com/v5hwnyq-republic-for-the-united-states-of-america-with-dr-sandy-miareck-and-paul-br.html
WWG1WGA "1 Republic Under God" MG Vallely/LTC Miarecki, the only We The People Solution for Freedom https://rumble.com/v5id82p-wwg1wga-1-republic-under-god-mg-vallelyltc-miarecki-the-only-we-the-people-.html
Tim Turner meet and greet https://buy4less-hosting.com/audios/Tim-Turner-Meet-Greet-2.mp3
Are You Ready To Be A Part Of The Change: The Republic For The United States of America? https://rumble.com/v5jhgcs-are-you-ready-to-be-a-part-of-the-change-the-republic-for-the-united-states.html
Sandy training call https://fccdl.in/JLEnVOHwlH
Meet & Greet Oct 23, 2024 https://buy4less-hosting.com/audios/Tim-Turner-Meet-Greet-3.mp3
Meet & Greet Oct 16, 2024 https://buy4less-hosting.com/audios/Tim-Turner-Meet-Greet-2.mp3
Free Audio Books Re-inhabited volumes 1&2 link folks. Start listening and learning now. https://www.mediafire.com/folder/fbgtss3752ww5/Re-inhabited_audio_books
here is the site for vol.1 and vol. 2 https://www.mediafire.com/folder/fbgtss3752ww5/Re-inhabited_audio_books
Hillsdale College has a free Constitution 101 online class. 12 lessons. https://online.hillsdale.edu
cass Debi Foli MBA Posted
"California “one of these Union States” entered the Union through an “Admissions Act” this is very significant; only two states were admitted this way, the lone star states of Texas and California (that is why we have a star on our state flag). This means we were already a free standing nation/state from the beginning. Due to the gold rush we had the population and were already organized (via our 1849 Constitution) as a country. We joined the union of states as our own separate nation. This is why we do not need to create a California Republic, we just need to fill the vacant offices that were vacated when the 1879 ‘corporate’ constitution usurped our country and state. [As men and women, sovereign people, you can live in the Republic and leave the corporate slave state and be free]. All of the other states were “enabled” through an Enabling Act by Congress. They weren’t free standing countries and needed approval of congress. That is why states like Michigan and Alaska that weren’t Republics have recently stood up their republics via the assembly process and other states need to do the same. We don’t. Like Texas we just need to populate our offices and make the people aware of the illusion created by the 1879 corporate constitution- a fraud and criminal enterprise that was repealed in 1960." re-printed from article authored by Gov. Doug Hysell titled 1879 CA Constitution is Null and Void. Please email me if you would like the entire article at calif22@proton.me
Meet & Greet Louisiana Republic Governor Daniel C. Reed & Tennessee Republic Governor
Dean W. McGhan https://buy4less-hosting.com/audios/Tim-Turner-Meet-Greet-4.mp3
Jon Dowling & Sandy Miarecki Discuss Corruption During Election Week 31st October 2024 https://rumble.com/v5ks1vx-jon-dowling-and-sandy-miarecki-discuss-corruption-during-election-week-31st.html Club Patriot: https://www.clubpatriot.com/
The 1879 California Constitution is Null and Void
This article is being written by Douglas William-Hysell of the California Republic in
order to alert the people to the fraud being perpetrated by the STATE OF CALIFORNIA
Corporation; a franchise of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION located in the district
of Colombia. In 1871 The UNITED STATES CORPORATION was created in the District
of Colombia and in 1878 it was reorganized. In 1879 the STATE OF CALIFORNIA
franchise (think corporate franchise) was created through the 1879 STATE OF
CALIFORNIA Constitution.
The offices created by the 1849 California Republic were abandoned at this time for the
offices created by the STATE OF CALIFORNIA INC. This left the original Republic
unoccupied and created corporate offices outside of the original 1849 California
Republic. This was an Ultra Vires Act: acting in excess of delegated constitutional
power and authority.
On November 8th, 1960 the 1879 STATE OF CALIFORNIA INC. Constitution/Charter
was repealed by both the ballot & statute. For which the evidence can be reviewed here
This was certified by the Secretary Of State at that time.
The repealing of the 1879 STATE OF CALIFORNIA Constitution has been withheld
from the public/people of California State and the STATE OF CALIFORNIA
corporation has carried on as if this repeal had never happened. As you can see from
the documents contained in the above link.
The 1849 California Constitution set up a Republic and a Republican form of
Government. It was a public trust by contract, whereas the 1879 STATE OF
CALIFORNIA Constitution, is a corporate franchise-for-profit and NOT for the people.
So let’s take a look at the Public Record, the 1849 California Constitution. This was a
public trust by contract, set up by “we the people of California, grateful to Almighty
God for our freedom”. Just as the Declaration of Independence: “all men are created
equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights”. Our Public
Records, and the founding documents, constitute the founding principles of this Nation;
that we are all equal and endowed by our Creator with in-a-lienable rights. Our rights
come from God not a foreign corporation posing as government.
“As in our intercourse with our-fellow men certain principles of morality are assumed to
exist, without which society would be impossible, so certain inherent rights lie at the
foundation of all action, and upon recognition of them alone can free institutions be
maintained. These inherent rights have never been more happily expressed than in The
Declaration Of Independence, that evangel of liberty to the People: “We hold these truths
to be self-evident”- that is, so plain that their truth is recognized upon their mere
statement –‘that all men are endowed ‘- not by edict of emperors, or decrees of
parliament or Acts of congress, but-‘by their Creator with certain inalienable rights’-That
is rights which cannot be bartered away or given away or taken away, except for
punishment of crime –‘and that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,
and to secure these’- not grant them, but secure them-‘governments are instituted among
men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed’ Among the inalienable
rights proclaimed in the Great Document, it is the right of men to pursue their happiness
by which is meant any lawful vocation or business’. (Butcher’s Slaughter-House &
Livestock Landing Co. V Crescent City Livestock & Slaughter Co. (1884)
That came from the United States Supreme Court and I believe they put it quite well.
The Public Record in both the Declaration of Independence and the 1849 California
Constitution state: “That governments are instituted among men to secure these rights”.
The 1879 Constitution was repealed in 1960 and the knowledge of this has been on the
public record. It was affirmed as recently as February 2, 1998:
Applicable Venue and Jurisdiction previously determined and established
February 2, 1998 in Los Angeles Superior Court, in Case BC 175 367, $190,000,
000 – Judgment, Concurrent with and equivalent to the district court as created
in the Constitution of the State of California of 1849, and the seventeenth judicial
district, see Statute 1872, chapter 114 p. 116. The effective date of the 1879
California constitution is repealed November 8, 1960, by Ballot Pamphlet
Number 12:
Repealing the “effective Date” of the source of authority for the purported “codes” voids
their application and enforcement; they have been voided since the 1960’s according to
public record! Additionally this was adjudicated in the above referenced court case.
Attached affidavit from said case here:
Stephen Mitchell
c/o 12400 Ventura Blvd. #137
Studio City, California (18 U.S.C. 1342)
Lisa Jan Precious
c/o 12358 Ventura Blvd. #245
Studio City, California (18 U.S.C. 1342)
Kathleen Carey
c/o 5152 Sepulveda, Suite 205
Sherman Oaks, California (18 U.S.C. 1342)
Stephen Mitchell, Lisa Jan Precious, Kathleen Carey
In propria persona [NOT PRO SE]
court In the superior [1] for Los Angeles county, California
FOOTNOTE 1: Concurrent with and equivalent to the district court as created in the Constitution
of the State of California of 1849, and the seventeenth judicial district, see Stats 1872, ch. CXIV,
p. 116
Stephen Mitchell; Lisa Jan Precious; Kathleen Carey
DAVID MISCAVIGE, a person, in the capacity as Chairman of the Board of the Religious
Technology Center and Inspector General of the Church of Scientology
MIKE RINDER, a person, in the capacity as head of the Office of Special Affairs International
JOHN/JANE DOE #1, a person, in the capacity as head of the L. Ron Hubbard Library
Case No. BC175367
Affidavit of Truth in Support of
Verified Complaint for Libel
The 1879 quasi-constitution has no lawful effect due to the following:
1. It is a fact that the "citizens of California" were expressly authorized to vote for the adoption of
the Constitution for the State of California of 1849.
2. It is a fact that "citizens of California" were never authorized to vote for the "adoption" of the
1879 quasi/constitution. Only "citizens of the United States" were authorized to vote for the 1879
quasi/constitution. The express statement of "citizen of California" was purposefully removed by
"revision" in the creating of the quasi/constitution of 1879.
3. This revision hereinabove shown where "citizen of California" was removed, is especially
notable when it is taken into consideration that another section from the 1849 Constitution,
specifically Article XI, Section 2, remained unchanged when placed in the 1879
quasi/constitution at Article XX, Section 2, and specifically acknowledged the "citizen of this
state". It is clear that the "citizen of this state", i.e., the "citizen of California", is acknowledged
in, but not authorized to vote for the adoption of, the quasi/constitution of 1879.
4. It is indisputable that in the time frame of the 1870's, that it is defined in decisional law that a
"citizen of the United States" as created under the Fourteenth Amendment to the federal
constitution was specifically nothing more than one of the "freed slaves" (or their offspring) after
the Civil War. See Cory v. Carter, 48 Ind. 327, 349 [1874] and Van Valkenburg v. Brown, 43
Cal. 43, 47 [1872].
5. It is clearly documented that the effective date of the quasi/constitution was repealed
November 8, 1960.
6. Virtually the entire quasi/constitution of 1879 was repealed and replaced from 1949 through
1976 without any lawful authority. The Plaintiff can find no source of any lawful authority to
"repeal", whether it be in the quasi/constitution of 1879 or the organic Constitution for the State
of California of 1849.
7. There is a fundamental, indisputable difference between the act of "amending" and the act of
7a. Amend. To Improve. To change for the better by removing defects or faults. To
change, correct, revise. Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition.
7b. Repeal. The abrogation or annulling of a previously existing law ... . To revoke, abolish,
annul, to rescind, or abrogate by authority. Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition.
8. The following is a listing of the great majority of repealing that took place which was beyond
any authority to "amend" or "revise" if the quasi/constitution of 1879 was actually lawfully in
9. In addition the fact presented hereinabove concerning the specific and limited authorization to
vote for the adoption of the quasi/constitution of 1879, the fact of the "repealing" is hereby
submitted as evidence that the quasi/constitution of 1879 was not, is not, and cannot have any
lawful effect as the valid "Constitution for the State of California".
Article I,
Section 1-2 repealed November 5, 1974
Section 3 repealed November 7, 1972
Section 4-7 repealed November 5, 1974
Section 8 - repealed November 8, 1966
Section 9-24 repealed November 5, 1974
Section 26a - repealed November 8, 1949
Article II, repealed November 7, 1972
Article III, repealed November 7, 1972
Article IV, Section 1 repealed November 8, 1966
Section lb-5 repealed November 8, 1966
Section 7-21 repealed November 8, 1966
Section 22a repealed November 8, 1966
Section 23a repealed November 8, 1966
Section 25a repealed November 8, 1966
Section 25 1/2 repealed November 8, 1966
Section 25.7 repealed November 8, 1966
Section 28 repealed June 8, 1976
Section 31d-38 repealed November 8, 1966
Article V repealed November 8, 1966
Article VI repealed November 8, 1966
Article VII repealed November 8, 1966
Article VIII repealed November 8, 1966
Article IX, Section 4 repealed November 4, 1963
Section 4 repealed November 4, 1963
Section 10-13 repealed November 5, 1974
Section 15 repealed November 5, 1974
Article X, repealed November 7, 1972
Article XI, repealed June 2, 1970
Article XII, repealed November 5, 1974
Article XIII, repealed November 5, 1974
Article XIV, repealed June 8, 1976
Article XV, repealed June 8, 1976
Article XV, Section 2-9, repealed November 6, 1962
Section 12, repealed November 6, 1962
Section 15-21, repealed November 6, 1962
Article XVII repealed June 8, 1976
Article XVIII repealed November 3, 1970
Article XIX repealed November 4, 1952
Article XX, Section 1 repealed November 7, 1972
Section 2 repealed November 3, 1970
Section 3.5 repealed November 3, 1970
Section 4 repealed November 3, 1970
Section 5 repealed June 8, 1976
Section 9 repealed November 3, 1970
Section 10, 11 repealed June 8, 1976
Section 12 - 14 repealed November 3, 1970
Section 15 repealed June 8, 1976
Section 16 repealed November 7, 1972
Section 17-17 1/2 repealed November 3, 1970
Section 19 - 21 repealed June 8, 1976
Article XXI, repealed November 7, 1972
(note that an "new Article III, section 2, acknowledged the existence of the 1849 Constitution as
the authority for the statement of the boundaries of California.)
Article XXII,
Section 3, repealed November 8, 1960
Section 4, repealed November 8, 1949
Section 5, repealed November 8, 1949
Section 7, repealed November 8, 1949
Section 8, repealed November 8, 1949
Section 9, repealed November 8, 1949
Section 10-12, repealed November 8, 1960
Article XXII (totally) repealed June 6, 1972
Article XXIII, repealed June 8, 1976
Article XXIV, repealed June 8, 1976
Article XXV, repealed November 8, 1949
Article XXVII, repealed November 3, 1970
Article XXVIII, repealed November 5, 1974
10. Based on the foregoing, the Plaintiff demands and requires:
1Oa. This Court shall take judicial notice 'of the fact that the Constitution for the State of
California of 1849 is currently valid and in effect.
lOb. This Court shall take judicial notice of the fact that the quasi/constitution of 1879 amounts to
nothing more than an "extension of the code" and any lawful effect that it may or may not have
does not supersede the Constitution for the State of California of 1849.
We, Stephen Mitchell, Lisa Jan Precious, and Kathleen Carey, hereby swear under penalty of
perjury, under the law of the Land in California, one of the United States of America, that
paragraphs numbered 1 through 10 hereinabove are true and correct and so done in good faith to
the best of our knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn this twenty-ninth day of the seventh month, in the year A.D. nineteen
hundred ninety-seven.
Stephen Mitchell
Lisa Jan Precious
Kathleen Carey
This affidavit comes from the above mentioned Court case in Los Angeles Superior
Court filed on the above stated dates in which a $190,000,000 judgement was issued
based upon those facts.
The result of said repeal of the 1879 STATE OF CALIFORNIA constitution is that
everything created by the 1879 STATE OF CALIFORNIA is null and void. This includes
ALL private corporate policies called statutes and codes and including all corporate
agencies such as sheriffs’ departments, corporate counties, (COUNTIES of), and
everything else with an EIN [IRS employer I D] & DUNS number [Dun & Bradstreet
type of organization- corporation]. This also includes the BAR association and the court
system as operating today.
Furthermore, before you go running off to your nearest California Bar Member for
advice, you should take notice so you can use due care; The California Bar Association
was created through Article VI Section 9 of the 1879 California Constitution:
“The State Bar is a Constitutional entity placed within the Judicial Article of the
California Constitution and thus acknowledged as an integral part of the Judicial
function.” (In re Rose 93 Cal.Rptr.2d 298 (at 303 HN 123), 22 Cal.4th 430 (Cal 2000)
So, this is self-evident fact that since the 1879 California Constitution was repealed and
the California Bar Association was created by Article VI Section 9, the California Bar
Association was repealed. This means it has no legitimate standing in law or at law. To
claim to be a Bar member is fraud and violates actual law.
“In view of the decision that the creation of Public Corporation by special acts is
prohibited by State Constitution, State Bar Corporation as public corporation has
no validity and designation of State Bar as a public corporation has no legal
efficacy.” (Cited from 7 Corpus Juris Secundum Sec. 9). See Also: (Bridegroom
V State Bar, 550 P.2d 1089, 27 Ariz.App. 47)
California “one of these Union States” entered the Union through an “Admissions
Act” this is very significant; only two states were admitted this way, the lone star states
of Texas and California (that is why we have a star on our state flag). This means we
were already a free standing nation/state from the beginning. Due to the gold rush we
had the population and were already organized (via our 1849 Constitution) as a country.
We joined the union of states as our own separate nation. This is why we do not need to
create a California Republic, we just need to fill the vacant offices that were vacated
when the 1879 ‘corporate’ constitution usurped our country and state. [As men and
women, sovereign people, you can live in the Republic and leave the corporate slave
state and be free].
All of the other states were “enabled” through an Enabling Act by Congress. They
weren’t free standing countries and needed approval of congress. That is why states like
Michigan and Alaska that weren’t Republics have recently stood up their republics via
the assembly process and other states need to do the same. We don’t. Like Texas we
just need to populate our offices and make the people aware of the illusion created by
the 1879 corporate constitution- a fraud and criminal enterprise that was repealed in
California, a Nation/State, stylized as a Republic in form; guaranteed by the United
States constitution. All Laws of the Republic state, conform, sustain, and contain an
enabling act specific to venue on the Republic in the following manner: in Statutes and
Amendments to the Code, the chaptered statutes were captioned by: "The People of
California, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact ...". Then, in 1911 something
major changed. Since 1911, in Statutes and Amendments to the Code each chaptered
statute has been captioned: "The people of the State of California do enact as follows:
..." It appears a reasonable inference, from the written record of the acts of the
Legislature, that after 1911 the Legislature no longer "Represent" the People of
California; they claim to be "the people of the State of California". It may be the General
Laws are enacted by the formula, "The People of California, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact ..." and that Code Sections are enacted by the formula, "The people
of the State of California do enact ..." these two enacting clauses identify two venues
with specific and distinct societies and specific and distinct classifications of rights…i.e.,
inalienable that cannot be infringed by contract and the civil, unalienable rights which
can, by choice, be contracted away (not without full disclosure, meeting of the minds
The 1849 California Article VI - Judicial Department, Section 18: The style of all
process shall be “The People of the State of California” all the prosecutions shall be
conducted in the name and by the authority of the same. The above highlighted section
1 of the 1849 legislative section, indicates how all legislation is to be enacted, by the
proper enacting clause. This enacting clause was changed as shown above and the proof
contained in public records as referenced.
This means that they are not general laws applying to the people of California; they are
private corporate policy because The People of the STATE OF CALIFORNIA are
corporate. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, EIN#94-6207465, DUNS#003989434 is a privatefor-profit corporation as are each County as in COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO,
EIN#95-6000939 and D-U-N-S #05-922-7611. These entities can pass no laws that apply
to the people or the people’s private property.
Cities and Counties are private municipalities; COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO is a
private corporation/municipality and cannot assume legislative powers without the
Governor’s signature, or without going through the State Legislature.
The 9th Circuit clearly held that a municipality may not surrender its control of a
municipal function to a private party: In Schultz V Miline, 849 F. Supp. 708 (N.D. Cal.
1994; [D]defendants fail to apprehend basic constitutional tenets restricting the extent to
which state power may be delegated to private parties. See also page 6694, footnotes 1
& 5:
1. It appears to the court that the City may have improperly contracted away its
legislative and governmental functions to the Board and Miline, both of whom
are private parties.
The so-called statutes, regulations, policies, ordinances, rules etc., do not apply to the
Men and Women, the living people of California. We elected our public servants to
work for and serve THE PUBLIC, that is what constitutes a true government, public
servants who answer to the people, not the other way around.
By becoming a corporation and utilizing negotiable instruments of a private
corporation, these government corporations have laid down their sovereignty and
become just another private corporation. They have no power or valid authority to
claim to be our government. This is clearly stated in the Clearfield Doctrine:
“Governments descend to the level of a mere private corporation and take on
the characteristics of a mere private citizen….where private corporate
commercial paper [Federal Reserve Notes] and securities [checks] is
concerned….For purpose of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded
as entities entirely separate from government.” (Supreme Court Annotated
Statute, Clearfield Trust Co. V United States, 318 U.S. 363 – 371 (1942).
In other words the Clearfield Doctrine states that when private commercial paper is
used by the corporate government, then government loses its sovereignty status and
becomes no different than a mere private corporation- think McDonalds.
As such, government then becomes bound by the rules and laws that govern private
corporations. This means that if they intend to compel an individual Man or Woman to
some specific performance, based upon its corporate statutes or corporation rules, then
the government, like any private corporation, must be holder-in-due-course of a contract
or other commercial agreement between it and the one upon whom demands for specific
performance are made.
And further, the government must be willing to enter the contract or commercial
agreement into evidence before trying to get the court to enforce its demands, called
statutes. [Emphasis added].
The Clearfield case is especially important because it is a 1942 case that was decided
INCORPORATION” in the State of Florida (July 15, 1925). The case was decided after
the ‘corporate government’ agreed to use the currency of the private corporation, the
FEDERAL RESERVE. The private currency, the Federal Reserve Note, is still in use
Corporations are not and cannot be sovereign. They are not real; they are a fiction and
only exist on paper. Therefore, all laws created by these government corporations are
private corporate regulations called public law, statutes, codes, and ordinances to
conceal their true nature. Corporations can’t contract with living souls- that is why they
made each of us into legal fictions (i.e ‘persons’, corporations, dead entities) through our
birth certificates so they could fraudulently contract with us and steal our life force
energy-sweat equity. But this is a topic for another article.
Since these government bodies are not sovereign, they cannot promulgate or enforce
CRIMINAL LAWS; they can only create and enforce CIVIL LAWS, which are duty
bound to comply with the LAW OF CONTRACTS. The Law of Contracts requires
signed written agreements and complete transparency, full disclosure between equal
parties; i.e Man and Man or Corporation and Corporation.
Enforcement of these corporate statutes by local, state, and federal law enforcement
officers are unlawful actions being committed against the Sovereign People. These
corporations can be held liable for their actions by We the People. Government
corporations are acting under color of law, which is not law. There must be a binding
contract, with full disclosure, and our willing, knowing, agreement to specifically
perform to their corporate by-laws. These corporations and their agents (sheriffs, police
[policy enforcers] code enforcers etc.) have no valid authority over men and women. It
is as if a McDonalds’ employee is trying to force you to follow their corporate rules! See:
[Bond V U.S., 134 S.Ct. 2077 (2014)].
“But, in fact and in law, such statutes are intended to be applied to those who are here as
residents in this state under the Interstate Commerce Clause of the 14th amendment.”
[United States V United Mine Workers of America, (1947) 67 S.Ct. 677, 686, 330 US 258].
“Statutes apply only to state created creatures known as corporations no matter whether
{creatures of statute and offices of} state, local, or federal {government}.” [Colonial
Pipeline Co. V Triagle, 421 US 100 (1975).
“A ‘Statute’ is not a Law,” [Flournoy V First nat. Bank of Shreveport, 197 La. 1067, 3
So.2d 244, 248];[A “Code” is not Law,” [In re Self V Rhay, 61 Wn.2d 261], in point of fact
in Law.
All codes, rules, and regulations are for government authorities only, not
human/Creators in accord with God’s Laws.
“All codes, rules, and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking due process
of Law.” …lacking due process of law, in that they are ‘void for ambiguity’ in
their failure to specify the statutes’ applicability to ‘natural persons,’ otherwise
depriving the same fair notice, as their construction by definition of terms apply
identifies the applicability of such statutes to “artificial or fictional corporate
entities or ‘persons’, creatures of statute, or those by contract employed as agents
or representatives, departmental subdivisions, offices, officers, and property of
the government, but not the ‘Natural Person’ or American citizen immune from
such jurisdiction of legalism. [Rodriques V Ray Donavan, U.S. Department of
Labor, 769 F.2d 1344, 1348 (1985)]
Every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not
bound by any institutions formed by his fellow man without his consent. [Mugler V
Kansas, 123 US 623, 659-60].
16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256:
The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the
appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme
law of the land, and any statute, to be valid, must be in agreement. It is impossible for
both the Constitution and a law violating it to be valid, one must prevail. This is
succinctly stated as follows: The General rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though
having the form and name of law is in reality no law, but is wholly void and ineffective
for any purpose, since unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment and not
merely from the date of the decision so branding it. An unconstitutional law, in legal
contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed. Such a statute leaves the
question that it purports to settle just as it would be had the statue not been enacted.
Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principles follow that it imposes no
duties, confers no rights, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone,
affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it. A void act cannot be
legally consistent with a valid law. An unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede
any existing valid law. Indeed, as far as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of
the land, it is superseded thereby. No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law
and no courts are bound to enforce it.
In summary, what we have here is a system of constructive fraud that was set up
through the reconstructive act where the states were reconstructed as corporate
franchises of the UNITED STATES corporation through the organic act of 1871. They
were further set up by the removal of our substance from the monetary system pursuant
to HJR 192 public law 73-10 of 1933. Additional proof confirming this fraud happened
in 1975 when 44 federal judges sued the congress and won.
The removal of substance (gold and silver) from our monetary system impaired the
obligation of all contracts; contracts must have something of substance, given for
something of substance, to form a legitimate contract.
When the 1879 STATE OF CALIFORNIA constitution was repealed, it voided the
private administrative tribunals; what are falsely called courts. The people are entitled
to a true court of record under Article lll Section ll of the federal constitution.
Furthermore, the corporate STATE OF CALIFORNIA still claims, for its authority to
act, the 1879 state of California constitution as shown on their legislature web page. Our
“government” is withholding exculpatory evidence that clearly shows that all statues
and codes are null and void. This means all officers of these so-called court systems
(judges, attorneys, etc.) are committing felonies all day, every day in their private
administrative tribunals.
Additionally every private business or so-called corporation is being required by the
STATE OF CALIFORNIA to be registered to do business. This requirement is
impossible since the STATE OF CALIFORNIA is not our government, and therefore
does not exist as a place to register your business with. Again, its corporate charter was
repealed November 8, 1960!
There are more effects from the repeal of this 1879 STATE OF CALIFORNIA
constitution/corporate charter, but there are too many to list at this time. I will leave it
to the readers of this article to decide whether or not they want to continue to give
power to a corporate McDonalds’ posing as their lawful government. In fact
McDonalds’ has more legitimate power and valid authority than THE STATE OF
txg Sandy Miarecki
1/25/2025 12:18 PM
I wanted to educate everyone on money/currency and the Republic, specifically in regards to Crypto. First, the Constitution is quite clear in this matter (Article 1, Section 10): No State shall … coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts”
Translation: there shall be no money created by the states, and the only things allowed as money are gold and silver coin.
Therefore, the Constitution does not allow Cryptocurrency or any similar currency. If anyone in your state is proposing that you start your own cryptocurrency, they are violating the Constitution, and they are likely Nation-State infiltrators.
I will remind you (as described in the books) that this was one of the main tactics for “dividing and conquering” the Republic in the 2012-2013 time frame. It will not be tolerated. And even worse, trying to do something like this would result in a HUGE target painted on all our backs. We cannot have this at such a critical time.
In addition, if anyone either inside or outside the Republic approaches a governor or other state official, offering funding to your state especially if you keep it a secret, THEY ARE LYING TO YOU. Cease contact with these individuals immediately. Again, this was a method of infiltration used before, but we will NOT be tricked again. The Republic will have the entire US Treasury once we are restored. We do not need help with funding.
Make PDFs and affidavits, at least keep notes of the people who are proposing these unlawful acts, and it will be up to the military as to what to do with this evidence, once the Republic is restored.
On the subject of commemorative coins, not used as money or currency, that would be appropriate once the state is fully reseated, including ratification of a new state constitution. Only then, the state legislature (once elected) can decide to fund such a project as commemorative only. We are far away from that stage at this moment.
We must protect each other and stay together as a team. Please stay focused on our main goals. Let me know if you have any questions.
txcj Karen Reeves
1/26/2025 9:12 AM
alv James Blizzard
Maybe, just maybe, God has another plan for bringing in the republic. In a way totally contrary to what we think. Because IMO, we are far from being near ready to stand up. And we can’t wait years.
Original message from 2:08 AM
God has a plan, He led the creation of the Constitution and the Northwest Ordinance. Even DJT has made comment to, that all things must be lawful, so to stay lawful and not run on emotional winds of desire, everything must be by the book. Mar 4th was used as a Republic day of inauguration, yes... but for THIS 2010 Republic to be stood up, March 4th has no place this year. We must hold elections 120 days out from being stood up. Now on the flip side, DJT apparently created his own Republic in 2019/2020 when we were but a skeleton reflection and he didn't know if anyone would exist to take over. Granted, we are all volunteers, trying to manage our lives and be plugged in to help in this effort. We face many doubters and nay sayers and at times, people are fumbling trying to do the right thing when they don't have enough people to stand up their county. We do have God and we do have heart. Many are also tired. Tired of waiting, tired of bs, tired of miscommunication. But what can we do besides wait? Watch as things are unfolding... and be spiritually & mentally ready to step up when we are called up. Can DJT stand his 2019/2020 Republic up first on Mar 4th? Maybe. But all the EOs being used against the matrix, go away for his Republic if it is fashioned under our original constitution. Could he stand it up and us at the same time to run the county under it until 120 days when we hold our elections? IDK... God works in ways far above our ways... could an earthquake hit the west coast or the new Madrid fault lines and wipe out half of America? That would certainly change all focus too... lets face it, we have no control over what will happen or how... we can only control our right now and our watchfulness. Are you ready for a disaster? Are you prepared to honker down at home if need be? Have you taken care of your bills & gotten debt free? Written affidavits? Shared till you turned blue with a tin hat? But most importantly, did you talk to God today?
LtCol. USAF (Ret) Sandy Mariecke Restoring the Republic. God is Calling his Army https://rumble.com/v6avw4d-ltcol.-usaf-ret-sandy-mariecke-restoring-the-republic.-god-is-calling-his-a.html
Current info on what to expect for our republic Sandy Miarecki https://youtu.be/bsm_PCOXnOg?feature=shared
Deep State Crushed as Republic Restored! LIVE with Brad Wozny, LTC/Phd Sandra Miarecki & Kevin Hoyt https://rumble.com/v6b5da1-deep-state-crushed-as-republic-restored-live-with-brad-wozny-ltcphd-sandra-.html
Dr. Sandy Miarecki, Lt. Col (Ret.) and Interim Governor of Texas https://rumble.com/v69c4l4-dr.-sandy-miarecki-lt.-col-ret.-and-interim-governor-of-texas.html
President Geiger https://truthsocial.com/@PresidentGeiger
(1/2/2025) | AUDIO CHAT 136 | SG Sits Down Again w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Check-In w/ the Reinhabited Republic For These United States https://rumble.com/v65ahq7-122025-audio-chat-136-sg-sits-down-again-w-usaf-lt-col-ret-dr.-sandy-miarec.html
OFFICIAL NOTICE FROM THE ARMY AND MILITARY INTELLIGENCE https://x.com/lumek57/status/1876004609577152830?mx=2
Your rights under article 61 of the Magna Carta 1215 https://davidallengreen.com/2020/11/the-truth-about-article-61-of-magna-carta/
Sovereign Redneck Renegade a Republic Fireside w/ Dr. Sandy Miarecki (USAF Lt. Col -Ret.) 1-9-2025 https://www.youtube.com/live/KZOQhWjgU4c
Sandy training call 1-28-2025 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/recorded_audio?audioRecordingUrl=https%3A%2F%2Frs0000.freeconferencecall.com%2Fstorage%2FsgetFCC2%2FIgyO9%2FaiHU1P
Republic for the United States of America Documents Resource Library https://republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org/resource-library/
The Northwest Ordinance Explained | A Primary Source Close Read w/ BRI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Igy2paodXUo&t=1s
FROM Sandy Miarecki on Wire. …… Folks, I wanted to educate everyone on money/currency and the Republic, specifically in regards to Crypto. First, the Constitution is quite clear in this matter (Article 1, Section 10): No State shall … coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts” Translation: there shall be no money created by the states, and the only things allowed as money are gold and silver coin. Therefore, the Constitution does not allow Cryptocurrency or any similar currency. If anyone in your state is proposing that you start your own cryptocurrency, they are violating the Constitution, and they are likely Nation-State infiltrators. I will remind you (as described in the books) that this was one of the main tactics for “dividing and conquering” the Republic in the 2012-2013 time frame. It will not be tolerated. And even worse, trying to do something like this would result in a HUGE target painted on all our backs. We cannot have this at such a critical time. In addition, if anyone either inside or outside the Republic approaches a governor or other state official, offering funding to your state especially if you keep it a secret, THEY ARE LYING TO YOU. Cease contact with these individuals immediately. Again, this was a method of infiltration used before, but we will NOT be tricked again. The Republic will have the entire US Treasury once we are restored. We do not need help with funding. Make PDFs and affidavits, at least keep notes of the people who are proposing these unlawful acts, and it will be up to the military as to what to do with this evidence, once the Republic is restored. On the subject of commemorative coins, not used as money or currency, that would be appropriate once the state is fully reseated, including ratification of a new state constitution. Only then, the state legislature (once elected) can decide to fund such a project as commemorative only. We are far away from that stage at this moment. We must protect each other and stay together as a team. Please stay focused on our main goals. Let me know if you have any questions.