Soaring Spirit

"In Simplicity Is All Truth" "Experience Is My Teacher" "Wisdom Is My Proof"

Nicolette Germano© LS

Our American Republic has been Re-Inhabited in 1994. It went through some turmoil, was able to retain its integrity and by 2010 has completed all its Lawful documentation. Every un-Lawful corporation controlling our nation, nationally and inter-nationally has been put on notice. We the people of America must register to be an elector and to complete our assemblies for every county. Please follow and review all links below and:                 SHARE-SHARE-SHARE

Republic Re-Inhabited audio books download links:

Republic: Sandy M talk with Holly 8/29/24 lots of info

“The Walls Have Fallen” Gorsuch and The People’s Jericho (God’s Glory)

US Marines Active | Trump: 25thAmdmt+WW3+FINSYS Event Inbound | Trump Assassination & Tesla Biohealing Butler, PA

The Missing 13th Amendment: — No Lawyers allowed in Public Office —

Bill of Rights (1791)
Former Air Force Pilot Lt. Col/ Dr. Sandy Miarecki joins us at A Conservative Perspective 

*****(7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States *****

*****Declaration of Sovereign Intent & Proclamation of Claim and Interest of the Republic for the United States of America

Republic's main site for more info and materials:

click this link to register: *****

Restoring The American Dream - USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki

THE GREAT AMERICAN HICKS SHOW - EPISODE #9 (The Patriots, The Republic, The Plan - PART IV)
THE GREAT AMERICAN HICKS SHOW - EPISODE #8 (The Patriots, The Republic, The Plan - PART III)
THE GREAT AMERICAN HICKS SHOW - EPISODE #6 (The Patriots, The Republic, The Plan - PART I)
THE GREAT AMERICAN HICKS SHOW - EPISODE #7 (The Patriots, The Republic, The Plan - PART II)

President Geiger on Implementation of the Northwest Ordinance
President Geiger

How to Create a Lawful Assembly: [scroll down to the video]

Book “Law of Nations”

Maintaining the Parallel Status of the Republic for the united States of America Interim Government

Carrie Madej, Osteopath & Researcher, interviews Sandra Miarecki

Video’s on reclaiming our Republic

8.22.24 Patriot Streetfighter w/ Lt. Col. (Ret) Dr Sandy Miarecki, REPUBLIC RESTORED!

The Daily 302 -Dr. Sandy Miarecki and Dr. Mark Childress

The Military And The Act of Treason 2Q24

Tuesday training call with Sandy

Watch in it's entirety 6+mins. The veil has been lifted

Public Notice President Geiger:

Sandy Miarecki Discusses Secret War Between Trump's Republic & Deep State with Nicholas Veniamin

Once In A Blue Moon Our Republic site to buy our Republic Flags and more:

How to create a lawful Assembly

HISA.TV- #337- America's Last Chance talks with Sandy Miarecki on the Republic

SGAnon - US CORP, Geopolitical & Financial, Jekyll Island & More

The US Corporation has to Fail in order for the Military to Step in, Are we there YET?

SG Sits Down w/ Nurse Practitioner Patti Gilliano for an Incredible Account of Medical Humanicide

Proof and Timeline of the US Corporation

Congress renames the nation “United States of America”

Congressman Mcfadden On The Federal Reserve Corporation 

Longshoreman Strike to transfer US Ports back to American Ports under USMCA Treaty

How JFKs 60yr-Plan to Restore America was Carried Out by Sovereign Patriots, Verified by WH Military

Sandy10m on rumble:

How to save America - Reinhabited Republic

El Paso County Committee of Safety - Preamble reading 1

El Paso County Committee of Safety - Preamble reading 2

El Paso County Committee of Safety - Preamble reading 3

El Paso County Committee of Safety - County Commissioners 16 Nov 2021

September 17, 2024 with guest Dr. Sandra Miarecki

The Story of America’s Constitution

Hi everyone, I had an opportunity to put all of the Republic's military involvement into one document, which is pasted below. This is to answer questions from folks that want more evidence of the authenticity of this Republic. Feel free to share with anyone you wish. God bless, Sandy Miarecki --- The good guy military started off with a group of patriotic retired generals around the time of the JFK assassination in 1963. They've been working on this plan to save America for 60 years. That same group of patriots had 300 members killed when they acted too soon, and the Clintons had them killed (during his presidency, 1993-2001). That same group of military were the ones that approached Tim Turner and his colleagues/patriots that were teaching Constitution classes and had a radio show, back in late 2008. They needed to restore the Republic, before April 1, 2010, because of a treaty/executive order from Pres Bush Sr (1989-1993) when the United Nations would be allowed to take over America in "times of unrest." This is called Suzerainty. Tim Turner prayed and fasted so that God would tell him what to do to restore the Republic. Tim's prayers were answered, and he wrote down the plan that he was told. He brought the plan to the military, and they asked him where the plan came from, because it was the best plan they had seen in 50 years. The patriots were successful, and had at least 26 states reseated by that date, from the counties on up. Then in Nov 2010, during the first Continental Congress, Tim Turner was chosen as President of the Republic. In the next few years, Tim attended several meetings with the military in Arlington and Atlanta. That same group of military had a meeting with two members (retired military) of the Republic in 2013. Two retired generals and their staffs had a three day meeting going over every single word and sentence in the Republic's Declaration of sovereign intent, and Proclamation of claim and interest. These were the documents that were noticed (with receipts) to the United Nations, Universal Postal Union, The International Court at the Hague, and other required organizations, as required by international law. At the end of those days with the generals, everyone understood what had been accomplished and that it was 100% constitutional and lawful. They declared the Republic was the authentic government of the United States of America. One of those generals became very active with the Republic for many years. In 2013, Tim Turner was kidnapped by Obama's and Biden's (and Killary's) 3 letter agencies, and thrown in prison for fake crimes, and set up for a kangaroo court to ensure he went to prison. The Republic was nearly destroyed by the infiltrators, from about 22 million followers/active members down to only a few hundred when nearly everyone ran away. Only about 8 or 9 states had some sort of representation after 2014, even though all 50 states were nearly fully represented before that. Through line of succession, James Buchanan Geiger, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, became the President while Tim Turner was in prison. That same group of military recruited Donald Trump to be the president in 2016. Trump reached out to Pres Geiger to have a meeting about the Republic, but both of them discussed it and realized that it would be too dangerous for both of them to have that meeting. Geiger told Trump to focus on getting elected, and they could meet later. Of course Trump was elected, but that meeting never took place for various reasons. That same group of military communicates with us sporadically to give us updates, what I affectionately call breadcrumbs because it's not a whole lot of information, and we have to interpret and connect the dots. Since the beginning, the military has said that once the Republic was restored, it would be a "10 year plan", which would have been around 2020. We all know what happened then. And here we are today.
**2 national governments, This fact was made clear by Supreme Court Justice Marshall Harlan (Downes v. Bidwell, 182, U.S. 244 1901) by giving the following dissenting opinion: “... two national governments exist; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions; the other to be maintained by Congress outside and Independently of that Instrument.” The Restore America Plan reclaimed the De Jure institutions of government of the 50 State Republics in order to restore Common Law that represents the voice of the people and ends Corporate Law that ignores the voice of the people while operating under Maritime/Admiralty/International Law. This occurred when warrants were delivered to all 50 Governors on March 30, 2010**