PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump
General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. Two Maxims of Law
American Armed Forces • A piratis et latronibus capta dominium non mutant.
c/o The Joint Chiefs of Staff Things captured by pirates or robbers do not change their ownership.
9999 Joint Staff, Pentagon • A piratis aut latronibus capti liberi permanent.
Washington, DC 20318-9999 Those captured by pirates or robbers remain free.
Attorney General William Barr
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Jared Kushner Charles Kushner
Executive Director: Alessandra Soler
P.O. Box 17148 Phoenix, AZ 85011
This is an emergency action to save the life of Sean David Morton. August 5, 2019
You are allowing Political prisoners to be held against their will even though they have committed no crime. They are being treated as the worst criminals that have walked this earth, beaten to the point of death.
Sean David Morton is one such prisoner. He has been beaten and tortured held against his will and has not committed a crime, unless you claim exposing the truth is a crime and helping others to wake up so they can see the truth as well. Then you Mr. Trump, Gen. Dunford and Mr. Barr are committing those same crimes.
I have known Sean for 4 years and was in raged to learn what your criminal system has done to him and his wife. Here is what Sean told me: “Since I’ve been here, I’ve lost 2 teeth, they blinded me in my right eye, so I can’t read really anymore, I sprained my knee in a fight so I haven’t been able to exercise for the last 2 weeks… Working on the RESPONSE for their answer for my appeal and they have kept me 9 months longer than is legal under the new laws…how are you? SDM” Friday August 2, 2019 11:32 AM
“Under the NEW 1st STEP ACT I am being held 9 MONTHS over my time…and the BOP/DOJ is just IGNORING THE LAW! I mean this is a massive class action suit ready to go! THOUSANDS are now being kidnapped and FALSELY IMPRISONED in violation of the LAW! They released only 3500 inmates, and 1500 of those were turned over to ICE for DEPORTATION! Its an OUTRAGE! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!” Sunday August 3, 2019 2”05 PM
This man fears for his life! He has committed no crime, no injury to another or to property and yet he is locked up without knowing if he will ever be released or if he will even survive.
Sean is being held at: #730-55-112, 9200 Wilmont Rd., Tucson, AZ, 85734.
He must be released before they kill him because then we are looking at not only the crimes being committed against him and his wife, his life, the destruction of his lively hood, the loss of his health, loss of his right eye, but being murdered!!!
The crimes being committed against all of us that are trying to expose the fraud and crimes of those in your swamp, are beyond measure, and they are getting away with murdering us as well and there is no help for us, no retribution against those committing these crimes against us.
You have made a lot of claims but we the people are not seeing them occur in our lives. Sean’s life is at immediate risk and he needs immediate help to survive. You have the power to save this man. This patriot, is asking to save this man’s life. Will you do it?
Release Sean and compensate him for all his losses due to the crimes of the Political and Criminal systems. It is not just your duty to do so but you all have been commissioned by the highest of all creation to completely and irrevocably clean up the horrors committed against all inhabitants of this world. What you do with that will determine your eternal existence. This is bigger than anyone can comprehend and yet I KNOW that you fully comprehend what you have been commissioned to do.
Sean is just one of hundreds of thousands in his situation unfortunately far too many of them have already died. DON’T LET SEAN BE AMONG THEM!!!!!! Sean is a good man that has only sought to help those of us in need to stop the crimes being done against us. We have no one to fight for us, so we must find ways to survive. Is this truly what God intended for us? You and I know, that is not God’s intent!!!!!!!!
You have the power and the means to find out where Sean David Morton is being held and save his life, compensate him for the unlawful and wrong doing being done to him and his wife which by the way is currently living on the street because of what they have done to them both, they like me has lost everything because of the demon’s committing these atrocities against us ALL.
Mr. Trump your Executive Order 1st Step Act is being ignored by the DOJ, BOP and your criminal system. All of these foreign agents are allowing and committing brutal violent acts against innocent men and woman in your prisons. They have no one to protect them and far too many of them have been murdered. Sean’s life is in mortal danger and we need you to enforce your Executive Order 1st Step Act and save Sean’s life now. Save the lives of everyone that is imprisoned that are innocent of committing any crime.
I truly pray, you, Mr. Trump, Gen Dunford and Mr. Barr, not only receive this emergency request but that you are honorable men and will save this man’s life and restore him and his wife whole from the crimes committed against them, by the court and all actors of the criminal system.
Respectfully, in honor with clean hands,
POA: Nicolette Germano© LS
Non-Negotiable Autograph
“ALL” rights reserved
Exposing the Fraud, PROCLAMATION NOTICE AND DEMAND Cease and Desist:
Sean David Morton letter to Trump 2018
Sean David Morton update 2019
Trump [RE 051 918 667 US]
Dunford [RE 051 918 636 US]
Barr [RE 051 918 675 US]
J. Kushner [RE 051 918 640 US
C. Kushner [RE 051 918 653 US]
ACLU [RE 051 918 684 US]
Donald J. Trump
President of these united States of America
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Washington DC 20500
My Dear Mr. President,
My name is Sean-David Morton. I had a TOP 10 radio show on the INTERNET, out of 10,000 stations, going out to millions of people. I’ve been a writer/producer/director and investigative reporter in film and TV for shows like HARD COPY, UNSOLVED MYSTERIES, STRANGE UNIVERSE, SIGHTINGS, GERALDO RIVERA and DOZENS MORE, with HUNDREDS of radio and TV appearances and speaking engagements all over the world supporting YOU and your AGENDA.
I also had the BUNDY FAMILY on my radio show from the beginning, and supported them in their fight! I have INVESTIGATED on NATIONAL TELEVISION the murders of Princess Diana, JFK, JR. Area 51, BLACK OPS SPACE FORCE TECH, the TWA FLIGHT 800 crash, Obama’s Birth Certificate in Kenya, 9-11, the crimes of Bill and Hillary Clinton, and SO MUCH MORE! I have the TRUTH on so many of the topics you have talked about! HELP US NOW SO WE CAN HELP YOU!
It is because of my work in my SANDS OF TIME books, RADIO and TV INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM that DEEP STATE forces within the Department of Justice PUT MY WIFE MELISSA AND I IN PRISON FOR YEARS!
I am a childhood and life long friend and supporter of CONGRESSMAN DANA ROHRBACHER (R) Orange County. I was head of YOUNG AMERICANS FOR FREEDOM at the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA and been aligned with FREEDOM CAUSES all of my life.
For a YEAR on the radio, 2015-2016, I PREDICTED that you would become president. WE MET, Mr. President, in 2016 and I appeared ON STAGE WITH YOU and ON TV at your 2016 RALLY IN ANAHEIM, CALIF. and I FOUGHT with the protestors outside! Appearing on local TV supporting you!
I BEG YOU FOR A PARDON FOR MY SICK WIFE MELISSA AND MYSELF! We were unjustly prosecuted and now are both rotting in federal prisons for “Crimes” in which there were NO VICTIMS and “NO MONETARY LOSS” to the USA Fed/GOV. THIS WAS ALL ABOUT PAPERWORK and LETTERS that I wrote to the IRS and now I am here LITERALLY as a “deterrant to anyone that would question the VOLUNTARY INCOME TAX SYSTEM of the United States!” WHICH WE NEVER DID!
This is all a vendetta on the part of the DEEP STATE members of the Department of Justice in Los Angeles.
The Los Angeles DOJ, under Valerie Makawitz and James Hughes originally offered MISDEMEANOR CHARGES of less than a year, then told us, “That offer is RESCINDED because DONALD TRUMP and JEFF SESSIONS are TOUGH ON CRIME!” They KNEW we were SUPPORTERS OF YOU in your efforts to SAVE AMERICA, and this was the DEEP STATE fighting back against a very PUBLIC SUPPORTER of you and what you are doing!!
Then I got 71 MONTHS, nearly 7 YEARS, and my poor wife, after a debilitating STROKE when they read the verdict, where she was DEAD FOR FOUR MINUTES and went to ICU, got TWO YEARS! Our family was torn apart, our possessions looted, and we have been left with nothing.
WE BEG YOU FOR A PARDON! IF ANYONE DESERVES ONE IT IS US! I got MORE THAN THE MAXIMUM sentence because the DOJ claimed that I was “to be made an EXAMPLE OF”, AS ONE OF YOUR SUPPORTERS, and that my sentence was to be “a deterrent to anyone that would QUESTION the VOLUNTARY INCOME TAX system of the United States…” WHICH I NEVER DID! I filled out all the paperwork I believed to be LAWFUL and correct! In the words of the JUDGE THIS WAS NOT A TAX EVASION CASE AT ALL! It was literally paperwork they claim was filed with IRS INCORRECTLY, and paperwork we only assisted other people with sent to banks to help them with crushing debts.
You are our LAST HOPE! Please, Please, PLEASE! Mr. President, support and defend the people that SUPPORTED YOU against this GOVERNMENT TYRANNY AND INJUSTICE! HELP US DEFEAT THE DEEP STATE THAT DID THIS TO US UNJUSTLY!
Your devoted supporter
Sean-David Morton
SPC-USP PO BOX 74549, Tucson, AZ, 85734
Susan, 6:22 PM
Dear Friends and Family,(POST far and WIDE!)
I haven’t posted anything in a while as there has not been much to report. But an update on my status is in order….
Melissa took a lawyer and her appeal is waiting on a ruling. Very simple stuff on the illegality of the warrant, armed jack-booted IRS agents kicking in doors with no permission from the Sheriff or local police, and due process violations and no probable cause. Funny enough the FEDSCUM wanted MORE TIME, an EXTRA 30 days…and submitted this horrible appeal, that was 99 PAGES long (you get 30 pages and 3500 words) ALL of which was just regurgitated crap..mostly all a cut and paste smear job on ME as a “SOVEREIGN CITIZEN” which I have NEVER claimed to be, or how I somehow questioned and interfered with “the VOLUNTARY INCOME TAX SYSTEM of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA…” which I ALSO never did! So the 9th slapped the FedScum in the face with a rotten fish…and told them “DO IT AGAIN! UNACCEPTABLE!” Which is REALLY FUNNY that they are THIS incompetent. So HER attorney has until Feb. 21 to respond. Pray for her!
My appeal on the other hand was 88 pages, which we got special permission to do because SO MANY CRIMES were committed against me by the FedGovScum, and was innovative and exhaustive on all of their wrong doing. SUDDENLY, SOME ANGELS appeared!!!
It turns out that the CLERK of the 9th is a FAN…and heard about the case and what they’d done to me. SHE got the LAWYER for the 9th on the phone to talk to us…and he said, “what they have done to you is so heinous and SOOO beyond the pale, that you shouldn’t even waste the court’s time, OR YOURS, with a long drawn out appeal, which could take a very long time.”
So, we boiled everything down to SIX DISPOSITORY EXPEDITED EMERGENCY MOTIONS, to DISPOSE of this garbage, that had to do with VINDICTIVE PROSECUTION, SELECTIVE PROSECUTION, JURY TAMPERING, Jurisdiction, etc. The FACTS and the law were so self-evident and so on my side, that we passed on even having a hearing. These six motions were submitted November 21, 2018, and the FedGovScum had 10 days to respond, which was December 1, 2018….which came and went.
THEY DID NOT RESPOND! ZIP! NADA! ZILCH! They GAVE UP! LEFT THE FIELD OF BATTLE…so my motions now stand UNOPPOSED AND UNCONTESTED, so I am just waiting on the 9th CC to tell me I AM FREE TO GO…of course WHERE I’m going to go is a whole other thing…since I no longer have a home, and my possessions were looted and sold by my “FRIENDS!” Even my purebred Norwegian Forrest cats were stolen and sold for about $25,000. We managed to rescue only Shalu and Freya.
Please remember that the only reason I have been in here as long as I HAVE is I would NOT cave to them, would NOT give up my rights by taking a BAR/COURT CONTROLLED ATTORNEY/ESQUIRE, and they REFUSED TO GIVE ME DISCOVERY at TRIAL!! It took until APRIL 2018 to FINALLY GET IT IN HERE! And I KNEW why they kept it from me as I’d have beaten this HANDS DOWN if I had ever been able to just review their “evidence” and the witnesses against me. In fact the “DISCOVERY” they did give me consisted of 2 CD-ROM disks which were blank!! BLANK! I presented AFFIDAVITS from a paralegal and a computer expert that this was the case… and Judge Wilson DID NOT CARE!!
You have also heard from so-called “LAWYERS/LEGAL EXPERTS” all over the radio and internet that I am DELUDED, and living in some kind of “DREAM WORLD” because I still BELIEVE in the COMMON LAW, the CONSTITUTIONS of the US and the CALIFORNIA Republic, and in the basic God-given rights of MAN! So let me here give you a REVIEW of what was done to me and HOW the EMPIRE STRUCK BACK for my being out there teaching and writing the TRUTH!
When Obama took office the war on everyone writing or teaching the truth about the three-headed beast dog of the COURTS, The BAR ASSOCIATION and the BANKS went full blast. Obama directed Eric Holder and Lois Lerner to WEAPONIZE the IRS and find a way to stall, delay or outright CRIMINALIZE anyone forming P.A.C.s, Political Action Committees, that would act against him in the 2012 election. The TEA PARTY and anything with the name ISRAEL, JEWISH, AMERICA, PATRIOT or SOVEREIGN in the title were targeted. When they were caught, Lerner destroyed tens of thousands of emails subpoenaed by CONGRESS and just flat out ignored these self-same subpoenas. The majority of these IRS offenses were happening in ORANGE and LOS ANGELES COUNTIES. In fact, one week after these Congressional subpoenas went out of force were when Melissa and I were indicted.
Then the DOJ was weaponized and people like prosecutors James C. Hughes and Valerie Makawitz were tasked to hunt down and destroy any public figure they deemed as a threat. They have already tossed Brandon Adams, Garret Adams, Gordon Hall, Winston Shrout and Tim Turner in prison.
CPA’s Jacqueline Coelho and Alexander Adams, using IRS forms readily available in TURBO TAX, used what is called the 1099-OID (Original Issue Discount) process to get $14 million and $9 million respectively back for their clients in legitimately owed RETURNS AND REFUNDS. The IRS successfully sued them both to get CIVIL INJUNCTIONS to force them to STOP filing THEIR paperwork to get these returns for their clients. Then it got nasty.
They criminally charged Winston Shout’s wife who was only running a group that was teaching people how to file 1099-OIDs and she got 18 months. Then they went after Winston, who was teaching huge seminars on bonds and setting off, settling and discharging debt. He got 10 years. They also prosecuted Tim Turner who got 17 years, and the only ones seemingly unscathed were Jack Smith and black teacher Tony King aka Dwayne Reece, who made everyone at his seminars sign notarized affidavits that they were NOT feds and that everything he was teaching was “FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY.”
Then they went after Brandon Adams and his brother Garret, sons of CPA Alexander Adams, and their associate Gordon Hall. Brandon and Garret had a tax preparation business along with their dad, and were giving lectures and seminars and doing the 1099-OID process for their paying clients. We sat in their classes, listened to what they had to say, and paid them to do our taxes.
Then the FedGovScum went after them…using both Melissa and I as “VICTIMS” of their “TAX SCAM”. They took lawyers, pled guilty in the face of overwhelming federal power and threats of decades in prison. Brandon and Garret got 4 years, and Gordon Hall, apparently a career felon, got 30.
Then James Hughes and Valerie Makawitz, miraculously after using us as VICTIMS to put these other people in jail, turned us into “PERPETRATORS and ARCHITECTS” of the entire scheme, showing us as MASTERMINDS by presenting video of us SITTING IN A CLASS given by Brandon, asking questions. So they went JUDGE SHOPPING and were rejected by no less than 12 federal judges, including the PROSECUTOR of the ADAMS case, now a federal judge, until they got Judge Stephan V. Wilson to finally take the case.
To this DAY we do not know if there was EVER a hearing or even a meeting of a GRAND JURY, as no record of it seems to exist. The Secret Service and FBI refused to investigate a case as absurd as this…so the IRS, in vendetta mode, did all the investigations into “BONDS” which they admitted they had no jurisdiction over whatsoever.
In order to move everything ahead VALERIE MAKAWITZ named HERSELF as the PLAINTIFF in the case….which then, some months later MORPHED into THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. But stated clearly that “THERE ARE NO VICTIMS HERE AND NO ACTUAL MONETARY LOSS TO THE GOVERNMENT.” Even Judge Wilson chased IRS AGENTS off the witness stand declaring “This is NOT a TAX EVASION CASE! They told you every dime they made for 5 year!” But then, after a verdict was reached, the IRS popped its troll-like head up and said, “OH! BUT WE WANT MONEY TOO!” and suddenly became a “VICTIM”?
By the numbers:
1. There was no loss to the government and no victims.
2. Probable cause was all faked, with IRS claiming they went through our garbage cans to get material…but was unable to produce a shred of it in court.
3. Thirty heavily armed jack-booted assault rifle carrying IRS agents, kicked in our door, and beat up Melissa, dragging her screaming from her bed where she was invalided from a major knee operation. But the IRS HAD all of our tax records and everything they could possibly have used against us, but the reason for the raid was to find SALES RECORDS on a litter of KITTENS that Melissa had sold that year.
4. The WARRANT was never on the premises.
5. All computers and cell phones were confiscated with a promise to return them in 48 hours. They were kept for 7 months, and we had to sue to get them back. “But if we give them back, just by turning them on they could alter the data!” said Makawitz. The judge found this absurd. I responded, “Sir, when have physical computers ever been used in any case EVER!” and they were finally returned.
6. In the IRS CODE they are BARRED from charging CLIENTS of TAX PREPARERS with fines or crimes committed by the TAX PREPARERS. They did anyway by lying and saying we were the PERPETRATORS and ARCHITECTS of the whole scheme. The Adams did returns for 549 people. Only TWO were prosecuted. US! And WE could not even have FILED the returns, as we were not CPAs or licensed tax preparers with NO access to the IRS “FIRE” system.
7. IRS agents took the stand and were chased off by Judge Wilson who said, “This is NOT a TAX EVASION CASE. They TOLD you every dime that came or went over five years…so go AWAY!” And they were dismissed.
8. Melissa NEVER RECEIVED a DIME in returns.
9. The IRS STOLE Melissa’s subsequent tax returns, confiscated over $7000 from her personal account, and STOLE $57,000 from a PRODUCTION COMPANY that had nothing to do with us. So over $70,000 was taken from us and our associates with no credit or accounting WHATSOEVER! IT JUST ALL DISAPPEARED! PIRACY.
10. I was NEVER PROVIDED with DISCOVERY over the course of a year of pre-trial. I filed motion after motion demanding it and it was all ignored. I was given TWO BLANK…BLANK…CD-ROM disks, and had a paralegal and a computer expert sign affidavits that there was nothing on them. The Judge didn’t care.
11. Everything they claim was done was 4 months beyond the STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS and so was NULL AND VOID! However, the IRS kept saying that we had not filed for certain years…so we sent them COPIES of everything we had filed in 2009…and with THIS the Judge allowed them to void out the STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS…to which I responded, “WELL I GUESS WE ARE SCREWED NOW IF THIS IS HOW THIS IS GOING TO GO!”
12. I DEMANDED to know what the JURISDICTION of the Fed court was, reading from the law that it was only over contracts between states and PIRACY on the high seas. the judge said, “YOU WILL SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN…OR YOU WILL FACE THE MOST DIRE OF CONSEQUENCES” and he called in 2 US Marshalls to shut me up.
13. THREE DAYS before the trial, On APRIL FOOL’s DAY they dumped 12 huge boxes of JENKS material on my doorstep and at the offices of Melissa’s attorney.
14. All court cases are turned into BONDS by the Federal courts. I had a friend run the CASE NUMBERS through the CUSIP system, and he discovered that THREE CUSIP numbers were generated by the cases against us and turned into BONDS worth $450 MILLION! AND these bonds have been invested/lodged with FIDELITY MUTUAL CANADA, FIDELITY FOR-EX in BOSTON and FIDELITY INVESTMENTS. So they HAD TO CONVICT US! (I have PROOF and PAPERWORK for all of this!) The LA Fed Court, is a BUSINESS and a CORPORATION, that has a CREDIT RATING and a DUN and BRADSTREET number, and are listed as a SUBSIDIARY S-CORP of the 9th Circuit Court who, even though they are based in San Francisco, their CORPORATE HQ is in RENO…so that don’t have to pay California taxes. In fact, when they CLAIMED I did not show up for sentencing (a LIE) their CREDIT RATING DROPPED by 15 points.
15. We were denied VOID DIRE, or the RIGHT to question potential jurors. Had we been able to do so, we would have found that three jurors were RINGERS brought in for just this case who said when asked “How long have you lived in LA COUNTY?” They answered “30 minutes….45 minutes…” and “…an hour and a half.” We would have also learned that Juror #6 was a FRIEND of VALERIE MAKAWITZ, Bridget Ingerstadt, who had worked on Obama’s campaign with Makawitz, and was one of Obama’s campaign managers who developed the data mining algorithm used by the Democrats in 2012.
16. I withdrew my plea several times, and demanded the Federal Court state FOR THE RECORD what EXACTLY their jurisdiction WAS! I read into the record they ONLY have jurisdiction over foreign contracts, contracts between people in different states…PIRACY on the High Seas…
5/10/2019 6:08:34 PM
Meanwhile….I got this letter from the 9th Circuit Court that said, “You didn’t respond to us by May 1, so we are cancelling your appeal! HAHA!” And I flipped out…and I was picking out a a place in this tree to hang myself, and sent outraged emails out to the para legals helping me….only to have PACER checked online to find it was all a MISTAKE, and a sick joke by the 9th CC…and “Sorry! Our BAD! We are STOOOPID! and your appeal is really due on May 20th…”
Last but not least…thanks to the DOJ and the BOP whose only goal in all of this was to destroy me socially, politically, financially and ultimately physically, short of killing me, I will be permanently blind in my right eye and legally blind forever. In my last appointment with a DR. DIAZ he slipped and told me that he had lied and had not even PUT a replacement lens in my eye “because the scar tissue is so bad” (from the BOTCHED operation) “that there is no room for the lens!”
So I started this WITH 20/80 sight, and now thanks to all this “TREATMENT” totally blind in my right eye…with the BOP/DOJ KNOWING that I was defending myself and acting as my own attorney…and all of this to STOP ME!!
All the love and Infinite Blessings
Dr. Sean David Morton
PO BOX 24549
Tucson, AZ, 85734
Project Camelot, Kerry Cassidy updated Sean's page on her site with our letter
Update from Sean: Not only is what you are doing WORKING...but KEEP AT IT! TRUMP announced that he was FIRING the head of the BOP...and REPLACING HIM with someone that is going to work SPECIFICALLY on RE-ENTRY, and 1st STEP ACT RELEASE! AND THEN BARR IS GOING TO "overhaul" the entire DOJ! SO THIS TIDE IS TURNING, AND YOU ARE TURNING IT!! HOORAY! KEEP AT IT!! I AM THE PERSON they are trying to HELP! SDM 1:54 PM August 20, 2019
Update from Sean: God Bless you. THANK YOU SO MUCH! IT is making all the difference in the WORLD! And the famous JEREMY GORDON is using my COMPASSIONATE RELEASE MOTION as a template for thousands of others! SDM 9:38 AM August 22, 2019
Thank you Sean for letting me know, I am so grateful to be a part of this, may all be blessed by you, my heart goes out to everyone suffering these crimes against us. Nicolette
Update from Sean: Check for some new stuff I posted on AREA 51, and other things! Love and Thanks! My hearing date for my COM RELEASE motion is November they SHOULD let me go. Thank you for being so wonderful~! SDM I'm in PRISON taking a 2 year sabattical here all for to help a dozen of my friends fight the banks, and because I PAID a LICENSE TAX PREP guy to do my taxes 10 years ago, and I got a return they didn't like...go figger. I will be OUT before are you? SDM August 30, 2019 5:10 PM
Update from Sean: NICOLETTE! Thank you SO MUCH! Lots MORE to come on EVERYTHING! I have the ADDRESS for the JUDGE for you I will get that to you and finally am getting some PUBLIC DEFENDERS on my case! I can't BLESS you enough for all your LOVE AND GRACE AND HELP! Sean September 19, 2019 12:30 PM
Project Camelot, Kerry Cassidy updated Sean's page 9/11/19
Will have some major stuff for you in the next few days! the JUDGE'S ADDRESS! INfo on the HEARING...My appeal is DONE SO JUST WAITING FOR THE CASE TO BE OVERTURNED...BLESS YOU! August 19, 2019 5:43 PM
Thank you Sean for letting me know. It pleases me to no end that I have been able to do something. The atrocities being committed against us must be stopped. Nicolette
“May Sean attain sadgathi [sud-guth-ee]…” (meaning: may they attain to the supreme state). The atman continuously takes rebirth until it attains to the holy feet of the supreme Narayana.
Marathi-English dictionary
[«previous (S) next»] — Sadgati in Marathi glossary
Source: DDSA: The Molesworth Marathi and English Dictionary
sadgati (सद्गति).—f (S Good passage or ultimate condition.) Happy state or allotment as attained by a creature in the birth or stage of existence succeeding to any particular other birth; i. e. emancipation or absorption; a seat in any of the paradises or heavens; birth again on earth in a high or holy caste or tribe; birth under conjunctions &c. conferring honor, riches, talents, success.
We send you Love and immense Joy in all journeys to come. The Germano Girls💞💞💞
Sean passed at 2:50 am this morning. He is out of pain, whole and probably telling jokes to everyone he can!
Sean David Morton, PhD, left this mortal realm on December 18, 2024, after a long, valiant fight against cancer. He was born on October 1, 1958 in Santa Monica, CA.
Sean was a writer most of his life, having won national competitions for writing and poetry while at Woodside High in Woodside, CA. He went on to study in Canada, India, Nepal, Egypt, and England’s Oxford University. He traveled the Middle East while in his teens and attended school in Egypt, Stanford Univ. in CA, and then earned degrees in Political Science and Fine Arts at the University of Southern California. He additionally earned advance degrees in Theology and a PhD in Psychology. He lived at a Tibetan Sangha and worked at the children’s orphanage in Dharmsala, India, where he studied with the Dalai Lama, and lived as a novitiate monk at the Black Hat Karma Kagyu monastery in T’ang Boyche, Nepal. He has taught and lectured in Japan, Sweden, Holland, Canada, England, Ireland, and Turkey, and he has spoken at conferences across America and around the world.
Sean’s investigations into military Black Ops, Top Secret government programs, the Dulce Mesa, Area 51, and his stunningly accurate predictions of coming events brought him international recognition as America’s premier futurist. He broke the stories on The Phoenix Lights, the Chupacabra, stunning revelations about flights TWA 800, MH 370, and MH 17, the deaths of Princess Diana and JFK, Jr. A pioneer of Remote Viewing (which he also taught), he was called “America’s Prophet” by Coast-to-Coast AM’s Art Bell (where he was the #1 guest - to global audiences of over 26 million). His stunning predictions included 9/11 (predicted in 1994), plus the 1987 Loma Prieta (S.F. Bay Area), Northridge, CA and Kobe, Japan earthquakes.
Sean was also an award-winning independent filmmaker. He wrote and directed documentaries such as UFO Contactees, The Prophesy of the Pyramids, plus he wrote and directed the hit cult comedy movie, Joe Killionaire. He worked as a TV reporter, writer, producer and consultant for Sightings, Hard Copy, Strange Universe, Geraldo, Ancient Aliens and Unsolved Mysteries, in addition to appearing as an expert on countless TV and radio shows. He co-founded the Sci-Fi Channel and UPN/CW with shows like Declassified and Mysteries From Beyond the Other Dominion.
For 17 years Sean published the award-winning Delphi Associates Newsletter and ran The Prophesy Research Institute, to warn the world of all the dire times that still lie ahead. His beloved Strange Universe Radio program was the Internet’s #1 talk show, listened to by millions worldwide. Author of the Vatican spy thrillers The Black Seraph Chronicles, The Dark Prophet, and his Sands of Times series is his third amazing bestselling five-star reviewed novel series.
Sean worked on a tireless lifelong quest to work for the enlightenment of all sentient beings and bring the light of world media to the Ascension of mankind, never losing sight of the fact that the best way to enlighten is to entertain. His visions, intensity of information, encyclopedic recall and sense of humor brought him sold out crowds, making him the #1 most popular speaker of his time.
Sean wrote the groundbreaking and acclaimed 9-book “Sands of Time” series with the final two books to be published soon.
Sean is survived by his wife Melissa (Thomson), brother Gerard Thomas Morton III (Mercedes), and sister Colleen Morton Anderson (Grant). As a last act of service, he has donated his body for research. Celebrations of Life will be held in connection with Expos – dates to be announced at a later date.
In lieu of flowers, Sean requested donations to his GoFundMe account to help Melissa with his final expenses and moving costs. Sean's Give Send Go donation link:
I was able to speak with Melissa Sean’s wife today 11-14-2024, she is so encouraging and uplifted. The love Sean and Melissa have for each other is inspiring.
Sean has hung on and is fighting the good fight but is continuing to weaking. He is in good spirits. Sean is weakening and they do not know how much longer Sean can hang on but they have talked openly with each other and are both at peace and joy.
Melissa says Sean will continue his life mission when he walks on to the next plane of existence that there is still much to do to bring this life to the next assentation level.
Please keep Sean and Melissa in your prayers and hearts.
To: Nicolette
Wed, Dec 18 at 1:21 PM
12/7/24 Melissa Morton: Sean is on his last days of life. So difficult to see this amazing spirit fading away. I know he will watch over all of us from the other side.
Thank you! I picked it up. It looks really wonderful and not just for Sean! I am going to take it as well. I have done so much for him; I have neglected myself.
Love you tons and thank you so much for being my spirit sister!
When Sean passes, please know that I will keep in contact. This is an eternal friendship!
Thank you melissa I got your text as well and needed to move through my emotions before putting words to paper.
I know and agree with you both Sean will be an amazing present in the next plane. Please tell him how much his love and dedication of truth and exposure has given us all blessings and benefits that have no limits.
I’m sorry we were never able to meet. Shea wanted to meet him but we just were not able to make that happen. Shea loves Sean deeply and we are all grateful we were able to be a part of your lives. We will truly miss Sean’s wild and crazy persona.
We all feel the spirit sister connection to you both as well. Yes, Melissa it is vital for the caregiver to take care of themselves, it is very hard and takes a lot out of us. I think what I love most about you two is your amazing spirits. You both will always be in our hearts and thank you for keeping in touch, YES this is an eternal friendship! Nicolette
Update 8/2/2024: Sean is not doing well he needs your prayers and energy
Sean's Give Send Go donation link:
Sean David Morton
January 1, 2024
Ladies and Gentlemen Boys and girls!
Since we last spoke, I have physically DIED three times!
Melissa found me slumped over my desk finishing up BOOK 8 in the SANDS OF TIME Anthology, unconscious and unresponsive. She wrestles me to the floor (no small feat), called 911 and started CPR until my heart started again. Then I died again just as the EMT’s showed up. Then my heart stopped again in the ER. They asked MM "you should just let him go!" When she protested, they shocked me back to life with the defibrillator paddles and back from heaven I came. It was quite a wild ride!!
I spent my OCTOBER 1 birthday in a coma in the hospital where I would be for almost 2 months, unable to speak with a huge tracheostomy tube in my throat. I still can't eat, drink, speak, taking all food, medicine and liquids through a tube in my belly.
I'm connected to a machine for oxygen 24/7 and am doing ALT MED and Standard medicine both. Just tossing everything I can think of in the mix to see what works and what doesn't I guess. Feel like a useless lump just laying here while Melissa does all the work around here. AND I would not literally be alive now without her. She has been an amazing nurse and caregiver, which has totally surprised me! She has even taken a leave of absence from work to be here and care for me! Her leave is now up and she has to quit as I need 24/7 care. No idea how we will survive and I’m wearing her out.
So, if I haven't responded to your well wishes, prayers and communications, that is why. Believe me when I say your love and support is ALWAYS felt and appreciated!! I am getting better and it will just take some time to get back in the saddle and back on the horse. Please be patient. Cancer is a long, hard fight...but I HOPE it is a fight I am winning.
Losing isn't really an option. Heaven can wait for a while longer.
Merry Christmas and the Happiest of NEW YEARS! The end of the cute fluffy rabbit YEAR OF THE CAT and the start of the YEAR OF THE DRAGON… so hang on friends and neighbors!
Infinite love and appreciation for your friendship!
Dr. Sean David Morton
Sean came home on 11/3. He still has a long road of recovery but he is happy to be home. Our apartment looks like a mini-hospital with equipment: an oxygen concentrator, IV feeding pump, suction machine for the trach and a humidifier oxygen machine. We are boosting his immune system with supplements and good nutrition. I am with him basically 24/7 as he needs constant care. I am no longer working full time so I can care for him. It will be a bit of a struggle but he is worth it!
Sean David Morton 11/1/23 update: Sean will be coming home tomorrow. Now the real healing work begins! And hoping Sean can relax and feel more comfortable. The hard part will be keeping him from wanting to work too hard. He wants to get Book 8 out before the holidays. 11/4/23 I’m home! I still have a long road to full recovery but on my way. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone for your love and support. I am so grateful for my own personal Angel, my beautiful wife, Melissa. Thank you for helping and supporting her through this. She has given up so much to help me.
Sean David Morton New Life expo:
Update from Sean's facebook page: Melissa wrote: 10/24 update: It’s been a crazy month. Sean is stable but still having trouble breathing when the trach is capped off. He will continue respiratory therapy this week to strengthen his lungs. Target date to go home with oxygen and home care nurse visits is November 1. He really needs to get back on supplements and treatments. I (Melissa) am in Salt Lake until Saturday. It was very difficult to leave and I’m praying Sean will receive great care without me there. Thank you for all of your continued prayers and support!
Melissa our hearts and energy are with you and Sean, much has come upon you both all at once, we are praying you both are able to get good rest and find much to laugh about. Me and mine have been through great trials and we did find laughter to bring joy in the worst of it all. love and blessings, may they flow eternally unbroken. Nicolette, Crissy and Shea
Melissa Morton <>
To: nicolette
Mon, Sep 25 at 1:28 PM
I had to call 911 and do CPR this morning. They took him off in an ambulance to Mission Hospital.
He had a minor cardiac event. Not sure when. Will be doing an EEG to make sure he didn’t have a seizure and check brain function. It’s the hospitals standard protocol to put them in hypothermia to preserve cells. They will keep him in this state for 24 hours then slowly warm him back up tomorrow and take him off the sedatives.
I’m pretty shaken and exhausted.
If it's alright with you i would like to share this so we have many hearts praying for Sean and YOU. I hope you have someone there to support you, if i could be, i would be, but you have our hearts and energy with you. if you need help let people know. all our love, nicolette, crissy and shea
Melissa Morton <>
To: Nicolette
Tue, Sep 26 at 12:55 PM
Yes, please. Thank you.
Spoke with the doctor. We will know more tomorrow or Thursday when they warm and wake him up. They feel he aspirated and has a minor case of pneumonia. When the EMT’s brought him in, his pulse dropped enough they had to shock him. It was minor and quick but still had to be done. Best case his oxygen was enough to maintain brain function. The cardiac event was due to respiratory. Worst case he doesn’t wake up or has a brain injury.
thank you, lets hold for the best out come. i hope you have someone there to help support you. a nice cleansing bath with epsom salt with your fav essential oil would do wonders and a nice cup of tea. our hearts are with you both. nicolette
Origins and Truth behind Alien Gray Videos – Interview with Sean David Morton
UFO’s and The Upcoming War Sean David Morton and Daniel Ott
new interview with Sean and Kerry 7-7-23
EP 247 - Sean David Morton PART 1: Prophecies - Remote Viewing & Cabal Agendas
EP 246 - Sean David Morton PART 2: The Black World of Secret Projects - The Vril & Parallel Space
Update 1/26/2023: Sean has been working very hard to recover and heal from the nightmare, abuse and attempts on his life while in prison. He developed cancer while in prison, and continues to work on healing. He also is continuing his writing and publishing his "Sands of Time" books which you can buy here:
Sean is grateful to everyone that has stood by him through these years.
Just received a note from another precious friend today 11-30-22, Sean David Morton, an author and all around incredible man, to let me know how my salve is helping him: "Thank you! Been using it on my back and shoulders on the hives from the chemo and seems to be working pretty well.. S."
I have been using the GEORGE'S ICE ALOE on my tongue, as it is the only known CURE for RADIATION POISONING, and drinking GALLONS of the juice, which has no taste. Just like water.
Update 1/26/2023 from Sean: healing from cancer: The wounds on my NECK have healed up THANKS TO THAT HONEY STUFF YOU SENT ME! REALLY GREAT! USE IT EVERYDAY! WORKS LIKE CRAZY
On 2023-06-16 00:06, Sean Morton wrote:
I was going to TELL you that I rub your HONEY BUTTER on my face every day! Even tho it is a STICKY MAGNET for CAT FUR it makes my skin look great!
Here you go!
None of my clothes fit anymore! Lost 100 IBS! Down to a 36 waist...which I never thought I would see
again. You can see how much your HONEY SALVE HELPED! THANK YOU
Update 1/29/2023 I hope the pics will help your website. I mean the salve REALLY HELPED and you can see what a MESS I WAS. I mean this whole thing for TWO YEARS and then the TWO YEARS before THAT when it started has really been hell
The HEROES JOURNEY....I truly felt like I was frozen in CARBONITE....and they put EVERYONE ELSE in prison for THREE YEARS as well so when I got OUT I didn't MISS ANYTHING! HAHAH!
HAVE ALL THE SANDS OF TIME BOOKS DONE and work on a screenplay about my adventures in the 80s as THE WORLD'S GREATEST DEEJAY! CALLED......SPIN!
You can find Sean's books here also: Sean David Morton - "Past Lives, Future Lives?" interview
Recent interviews with Sean & Kerry:
Sean is finally free from the clutches of demons controlled by the lying criminal courts and prisons. He has healed from the cancer and has completed his next trilogy "The Time Runner" selling now on amozon view here
You can find Sean's other books here
4/15/22 new interview with Kerry: SEAN DAVID MORTON: SANDS OF TIME BOOK 4: TIMERUNNER view here
April 15, 2022 new update from Sean:
Dear Nicolette, April 15, 2022
15 MILLION...locked up there...OH! And they FORGOT TO FEED THEM!
Placed THOUSANDS OF CATS in net BAGS and left them in the gutters to be collected and CRUSHED by GARBAGE TRUCKS! VIDEO Was On TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT!
A friendly CORGI went up to a CCP COP for help and comfort....and was BEATEN TO DEATH with a SHOVEL!
MANY ARE SAYING THE LOCKDOWN OF SHANGHAI is because the CCP is PREPARING FOR WAR with the UNITED STATES when the Chinese take over and attack BOTH TAIWAN and NEPAL, claim both of these independent nations, "RIGHTFULLY BELONG TO CHINA!"
THE OLD/NEW WORLD ORDER have 7 months of CONTROL of the FEDGOV until they are SLAUGHTERED IN THE MIDTERMS! So we can all expect them to DO THEIR WORST in this time!
"At the first part of the 21st Century, there shall be a DEATH STAR that will appear in the sky!
The appearance of this DEATH STAR will herald the GREAT CULLING OF MEN AND ANIMALS across the WORLD!"
According to NASA what they are calling THE BOOM STAR of two SUPERNOVAS that collided in 1638 AD will be VISIBLE FROM EARTH on JUNE 1, 2022 until SEPTEMBER 2022. We can see it in the LEFT WING of the CONSTELLATION OF CYGNUS THE SWAN. CYGNUS REPRESENTS ROYALTY, KINGS AND QUEENS and THOSE WHO RULE!
My prediction is that ELIZABETH II will DIE, and CHARLES, who many have said is AN ANTI-CHRIST will come to power! But it will be a sign of the DEATH AND DESTRUCTION of LEADERS AROUND THE WORLD! ALL "WHO WOULD BE KINGS!"
Combine THIS with the crossing of PLUTO at 27º CAPRICORN in the USA CHART on FEBRUARY 22, 2022...when I PREDICTED RUSSIA WOULD ATTACK UKRAINE! TO THE DAY! This will happen FOUR MORE TIMES before DEC. 21, 2024!!!
The Cygnus Constellation is the key to unlocking humanity’s belief in the origin of life in the heavens.
It was a universal belief in ancient civilizations that life came originally from the cosmos and ultimately would return there after death. The shamanic journey was always to this sky-world – and it appears that it was always located in the direction of the stars of Cygnus – also known as the Northern Cross – and was accessed either via the Milky Way or an imagined cosmic axis. Andrew Collins has found that this ancient belief is based on an early astronomy which is about 17,000 years old. All over the world, standing stones, temples and monuments are orientated towards the rising and setting of the stars of the Cygnus constellation or the “entry point” of the Milky Way.
Collins has discovered that the use of deep caves by Paleolithic man was essential to the rise of religious thought and the belief in life’s stellar origins. Science has now confirmed the existence of high-energy particles in the caves – particles that come from a binary star known as Cygnus X3. Therefore, it would seem that these ancient people were aware of what science is now telling us – that the DNA of life came originally from deep space.
My NEW SHOW, STRANGEUNIVERSE RADIO on REVOLUTION.RADIO begins at 10 PM PST on RESURRECTION DAY April 18, 2022. [ Here is the schedule link Sean does not show up yet try on Monday the 18th, 2022. Hopefully he will show up then.]
Dr. Sean-David Morton, PhD.
Kerry Cassidy interview with Sean 3-17-21
Update 9-15-21: Sean message: Yes, I’m fine. Relatively speaking of course! Two days ago I took off the bandage on the tumor and a big HUNK of scar tissue came away with it, nicking an artery which started to bleed….well..GUSH! WELL PULP FICTION GEISER actually!!! Leaning over the toilet is was…NOT…STOPPING! Finally climbed into the tub and hit the COLD WATER and put nozzle up against it….and after about 45 it stopped! Showed me slitting my wrists might not be so bad after all. Finally staunched it, but we had just paid to have the Apt. cleaned and blood was every WHERE! Super quoussy and queesy for about a day…drank V8 with beef liver powder and an order of LIVER AND ONIONS and BACON from NORMS fixed me right up… BUt it turned into a miracle!! Earlier that day one of the young senorita cleaning girls noticed my cancer….and also worked for an UNDERGROUND DOCTOR!!! LOTS in the CALI/MEX Com. here…. So he deals in CUBAN BLUE SCORPION VENOM! WHICH TOTALLY CURES CANCER! My family dealt in it 40 years ago and I had forgotten all about it! When my MOM died of cancer, we had her at our clinic in TJ…..but when the EXECUTORS of the STATE decided to finally murder her for her money, she was taken home and PUT DOWN with Dope and Morphine!!! So, the DR. is coming here TODAY TO SEE ME, and he just got a batch in from CUBA. Costs $3800 and takes 2 months…so I have to see if my life is worth that much and tell the Western MED Estab. for FUDGE OFF! So all good news! Infinite Blessings, Sean THE, 8:25 PM TRUE STORY: Cuba man has terminal cancer. Riddled with it Gets drunk, falls down an abandoned mine shaft into a NEST of blue scorpions and lays there for 3 days! When he is rescued everyone thinks he is going to DIE! But when the SWELLING from the STINGS subsides… his cancer is TOTALLY GONE! So…there it is!
Update 1-4-21: Sean David Morton has been released and is now in the arms of his wife. Thank you for all your prayers!
SEAN DAVID MORTON (73055112) update
12/31/2020 1:21:17 PM
Dearest Friends and Family,
Thanks to a truly remarkable confluence of planets and forces, thanks to President Trump and Wm. BARR, I am being released to "HOME CONFINEMENT"!!!
I fly out of this hellhole back to Los Angeles at NOON on JANUARY 4th. Truly a miracle considering the FedGovScum wanted to lock me up for 650 YEARS...and my sentence was 6 years, and I am finally being released after 3 years 4 months.
But it hasn't been for lack of trying for them to keep me in here. I filed a motion for compassionate release JUNE 28, 2019, after the BOP BLINDED ME after a botched cartaract op. the Feds wanted 90 days to respond, and their response, frankly, was ignorant of the law, and a total FRUAD on the court trying to trick the judge. 13 days AFTER they filed, in order to STOP me from appearing or responding they tossed me in SOLITARY CONFINMENT for 55 days then shipped me HERE to their WORST pounishment prison. It has been this treatment that has given me advanced THROAT CANCER with a huge tumor bursting from my neck.
I got my motion BACK ON THE DOCKET only to have Judge Stephen V. Wilson slide it under his wrinkled old butt and SIT ON IT, ILLEGALLY for 8 MONTHS!
It has taken up 3 YEARS to compile the information to file HEBEUS CORPUS to PROVE that I AM TOTALLY INNOCENT and the DOJ engaged in MASSIVE FRAUD, LITERALLY, at the instruction of HILLARY CLINTON and the OBAMA CONTROLED DOJ.
So this is the very LaST email I will be writing from prison....
I will have a new mobile phone to be calling you all to say thank I should be in the hospital for some time!!
Dr. Sean David MORTON
Update From Sean's wife 1-24-21: Sean was admitted into Cedars-Sinai hospital today in Beverly Hills.
Sean just called. He’s in a private room, has a great nurse and is in good spirits. Biopsy & tests tomorrow and then possibly surgery Monday to remove the mass.
Melissa Thomson
Sun, Jan 24 at 8:30 AM
Thank you so much! I got him some tonic water from Whole Foods last week. Once he is back to his friend's apartment, we can really detox, boost up his system, etc. He needed Western medicine for the surgery and get this thing off his neck. Now we can use all the alternative treatments.
Love you!
Melissa Thomson
Mon, Jan 25 at 1:39 AM
Melissa, I have no words to express our gratitude and looking forward to the complete healing of you and Sean from everything you both have been put through. This existence has been a hell scape for all of us, I can attest to that from my own experience. I pray you and Sean are able to achieve your goals and that all your effort to detox Sean and don't forget to remember your self in all this, to detox and heal both of you. I realize you both do not know me and you must wonder why I care so much for both of you, but you have both blessed my life and my daughters lives. I guess that is called the circle of life. .Maybe some day we will be able to talk and I will be able to explain it all to you, but some times our paths cross and blessings abound. Our prayers are with you both. It is our desire to see you both completely healed and restored whole as it is our wish for our selves.. our prayers will continue for you both. many blessing, may they flow eternally unbroken. nicolette
It’s all good! Sadly, I can’t visit. They aren’t allowing anyone due to COVID. But maybe that’s okay, too.
I’m so grateful he is finally getting treated and care. We will rebuild his health with alter move treatments and therapies. I’m a firm believer in a combo of Western and Eastern medicines.
Thank you so much for your love and prayers!
Prisons for Profit, who profits most?
Above is Sean three years ago before falsely imprisoned
These pic's is Sean three years later broken teeth, had
one eye damaged and now suffering with cancer --->>>>
Now Read the articles above on Prisons for Profit...............
11/25/2020 1:51:55 PM
Dear Friends and family,
Some quick updates:
The cancer is getting far worse. Trouble sleeping and swallowing as the tumor on my throat is shut down my wind pipe. The BOP WILL NOT send me to the hospital as they do not want a RECORD of their criminal negligence and malfeaseance. dying fast here with no mercy or help in the worst prison in the BOP LOCKED UP ABROAD without the glamour.
LAST FRIDAY we filed my HABEUS CORPUS with the court HERE IN TEXAS which gets me out from under the EVIL JESUIT JUDGE WILSON who has sat on my motion for Compassionate release for 6 MONTHS waiting for me to DIE before he rules. the Hab Corp is 80 pages of the criminal fraud committed by the DOJ against us and the $70 million it took to put me here...
So I might be CLEAARED AND OUT OF HERE IN 10 days, but will be released by Christmas.
Thanks for all your love and support!
Reply: thank you for your update, passing it on. you are on our hearts and in our prayers. 1 Thessalonians 5:14-19, 23-24: 14, and we entreat you, my brothers, admonish the wrongdoer and encourage those with a low nefesh and bear the burden of the weak and be long-suffering toward every nefesh. 14, and beware lest any of you repay evil, for evil, but always pursue good things toward one another and toward every man. 16, Rejoice at all times, 17, and pray without ceasing, 18, and in everything give thanks, for this is the will of Eloah in Yeshua the Messiah concerning you. 19, Do not quench the spirit. 23, Now the Eloah of shalom sanctify you all completely and keep your whole spirit and your nefesh and your body without blame until the coming of our Adon Yeshua the Messiah. 24, Faithful is he who called you, who will do it. many blessings in all things, may they flow eternally unbroken, nicolette
From Sean’s wife 12-16-20: This is from the friend who is in with Sean “Sean is going to die if you can't find someone who will listen and get him out. That tumor on his neck is oozing blood constantly.”
Time is running out. Please, please any ideas, help or anyone you know in the way of an attorney, advocacy group, etc. The BOP will not help him or give him any treatment.
Thank you!
Melissa note: Sean is dying and Trump has done nothing to enforce his own E.O. to release the innocent!
WH Reporter08/17/2020
@everyone Podcast #11 - Paladin and Lady Justice, 17 August, 2020
NicoletteToday 9/2/20 at 8:00 PM Paladin and Lady Justice 3, September, 2020 interview #2
if you know how to detox your cells then nothing that is used against YOU will prosper: Isaiah 54:17 No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of YHWH, and their due reward from Me, says YHWH
Interview #1 - Author Christopher Fulton - 'THE INHERITANCE' - Poisoned Fruit of JFK's Assassination
read my articles here see cleansing herbs
teriannToday at 8:04 PM
@nicolette. Very true.
[8:10 PM]
cakeysToday at 8:18 PM
@WH Paladin, after the call tonight everyone I know is fired up and ready to do whatever it takes to take back our country. How soon can we get this party started?
WH PaladinToday at 8:19 PM
@cakeys Don't wait for us......go for it
cakeysToday at 8:22 PM
@WH Paladin-we’ve been trying to inform and prepare our friends & family. Waiting for big event and days of disclosure.
WH PaladinToday at 8:23 PM
@cakeys Keep up the good work.....
cakeysToday at 8:24 PM
@WH Paladin - we’re excited - can’t wait.
nicoletteToday at 8:28 PM
@WH Paladin this is the document to carry with you to expose the truth no one has any authority to force you to do anything against your will
39.37 KB
WH PaladinToday at 8:29 PM
@nicolette Thank you!!
nicoletteToday at 8:31 PM
this is the doc that I stand on and expose the truth they have no power or authority to force me to do anything against my will
WH PaladinToday at 8:32 PM
Everyone needs to have this in their possession at all times
nicoletteToday at 8:34 PM
no one seems to comprehend Sovereignty, there is nothing greater than or lesser than oneself. ALL IS EQUAL
WH PaladinToday at 8:34 PM
You can bet they aren't teaching it in schools
nicoletteToday at 8:36 PM
where can you tell me any truth is being taught?
WH PaladinToday at 8:36 PM
You got me on that one
nicoletteToday at 8:44 PM
it is only individuals that have come to a knowing of what is real truth and it is unfortunate that those of us exposing the truth are taken to the prisons for profit to kill us like Sean David Morton Those of us that are standing up exposing the real truth of all the infiltration of demons and the atrocities they are committing against us are being murdered, tortured, disfigured, raped, our children murdered, and falsely libeled.
I’m asking for the prayer warriors to pray for Sean David Morton and his Wife Malissa. For those who are not aware of who Sean is, he wrote the books: “SANDS OF TIME” 40 years in the shadow government. Sean was in the process of completing the fourth book when he was ripped from his life and put in prison under false claims. His books are based on a man in the shadow government. When this man fled, he left his journals with Sean. Clearly, he reviled secrets that the SG didn’t want known and Sean is paying the price.
8/2/20 An update on Sean he is still in prison, they continue to torture him denying him proper medical help. They have held him over a year past his release date and he now has cancer in his face and jaw. He is literally dying and still will not let him go. Please if you can help them contact him and his wife at: Continue to pray for them, their lives are completely devastated.
SEAN DAVID MORTON (73055112) Texas Prison
To: nicolette From: Mellissa [Sean’s wife]
Sun, Apr 26 at 11:14 PM
Sean update: The "tumor/lump" has now spread to the gland under his armpit. Possibly lymphoma. The doctor (Dr. Winger) at the prison now refuses to see him or do anything for him. Please make a call to the BOP director Mike Carvajal (202) 307-3198 to complain.
So...that means he has lost 6 teeth, been blinded (we now have the proof a lens was never put back into his eye) and he has a huge masses in his neck and armpit, along with many other health issues caused by the system!
We have filed requests to get him out and into home confinement. He was eligible last October! Please ask everyone to call and express concern.
This is now getting very critical. And just today an inmate was taken out today with possible Covid-19. Of course, they won't tell anyone if he was positive.
Note: Sean will not survive this if we do nothing. Please call the number above. Help us Save Sean. Many blessings [ cc: ]
Dr. Sean-David Morton, PhD.
FCI Big Spring
Federal Correctional Instution
1900 Simler Ave.
Big Spring, TX 79720
From Sean Morton
Dearest Nicolette,
I just wanted to write you to say HELLO FROM in BIG SPRING TEXAS, the large red inflamed anus of America and the Federal prison system.
I WAS at a CAMP in Tucson, AZ, but because I had help a few fellows get released under the new FIRST STEP ACT it made the DOJ/BOP MAD...and when I put out a message for my friends and family to send me LETTERS OF SUPPORT for my motion for compassionate release...I was tossed into SOLITARY CONFINEMENT for 55 days then shipped HERE to their PUNISHMENT PRISON 1100 miles from home...
So I just wanted to say hi and thank you for all your prayers and support...
Love and blessings
3/2/20 Sean it is good to hear from you again. Please know I haven't given up I sent your newest letter describing in detail what they have done to you to Trump, Barr and Kavanaugh. They have all received it. I will continue to do what I can. I wish there was more I could do to help you be free and heal. many blessings, may they flow eternally unbroken. Much love Nicolette
October 22, 2019
Sean has been illegally moved to TX, please read Kerry’s new update Dec. 5, 2019:
Project Camelot, Kerry Cassidy updated Sean's page 12/19/19 what you can do to help Sean
Latest plea to save Sean David Morton: 2/21/20
Isaiah 54:17No weapon that is formed against us shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against us in judgment shall be condemned. This is the heritage of the servants of YHWH, and their due reward from Me, says YHWH. [This includes all biowarfare] 1 Thessalonians 5:1-9Now concerning the times and the seasons, my brothers, you do not need me to write to you; 2, for you truly know that the day of our Adon will so come like a thief in the night, 3, as they are saying, shalom and quiet, and then suddenly, destruction will come upon them, as birth pains upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. 4, But you, my brothers are not in darkness so that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5, For you are all sons of light and sons of the day, and you are not sons of the night or sons of darkness. 6, Therefore, let us not sleep as others, but let us be watchful and wise, 7, for those who are asleep sleep in the night, and those who are drunk are drunk in the night. 8, But we who are sons of the day, should be watchful in our mind and be clothed with the breastplate of faith and of love and put on the helmet of the hope of life, 9, because Eloah has not appointed us to wrath, but to the obtaining of life in our Adon Yeshaua the Messiah…
Tracking: 5/4/20
Now available for pickup 5/9/20
Delivered 5/14/20
Delivered 5/8/20
Delivered 5/11/20
The honey salve
Sean mentions is a salve I make. It has helped to heal his skin
after your honey butter