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Harmony is Strength-Renew Vitality
Cho-Wa gives this old woman physical strength, more energy and a free flowing of creative ideas. So worth it! My story is long but I will do my best to keep it short. My daughter was damaged from vaccines and nearly died three times and was left Paraplegic at age 19 she is now 31. I was forced to learn alt medicine in order to save her life. About 10 years ago I came across your tea but circumstances cost us our home, my small health biz and pretty much everything. During the chaos of having to leave our ranch due to their fraud in foreclosure my cho-wa got buried in all the packing. Now 10 years later I was going through some boxes of my herbs etc. and found three boxes of cho-wa. I had forgotten what it was so I went to your site and relearned and decided to take it again by the way I’m now 67 and very beaten down with all that has happened my body was not able to stand at the stove to cook and my mind was in an avoidance pattern. From the very first cup I was up cooking cleaning and bursting with creative ideas for my website. A few days later I was out with a hand saw cutting down dead trees and just amazed that I had no pain or sore muscles. One cup in the morning keeps me going all day long. I am passing this info onto everyone that will listen because I am proof your claims are real. Can’t thank you enough for giving me back my life. Many blessings, may they flow eternally unbroken,
Nicolette Germano© LS
Dr Ho pain relief system, the best I have ever used
I use Dr Ho's tens machine for all my pain and even healed nerve damage to one of my thumbs. Such an amazing tool to have on hand!
I have found many bulk herbs here best prices
Mito Restore oil and Rejuvenate cream
This oil and cream restores the mitochondria in every cell
This is my link:
Follow my link above click the join link, then click the referring customer because when you see the results of this oil and cream you will want to refer others. When they join you will receive credits on their orders which will reduce the cost of your orders. You will receive your own link and that is what you will share with others just like I’m doing here for you. I not only take this oil internally but I use it externally as well, it heals external issues, truly amazing!
Info on the restore oil:
Info on the Rejuvenate cream:
Info on Pet Products:
Applications: Vagus Nerve Stimulation - Systemic Neurofeedback - Scar Tissue - Anti-Inflammatory programs - Stimulation algorithms - Biofeedback capabilities: - FM RSI frequencies unavailable anywhere else - MORE THAN JUST MICROCURRENT - The Evolution represents a quantum leap beyond previous generations of home use microcurrent machines. It treats a wider variety of conditions than previous models and is capable of executing more of the core protocols within our curriculum than comparable models. In addition, it is an efficient Biofeedback/Neurofeedback device. This makes it a highly effective and cost efficient microcurrent device for popular applications such as improving sleep, reducing inflammation body-wide, and even for relief of anxiety and depression – all with our simple to use protocols.
Dr. McCullough
Nattokinase has been shown to effectively dissolve the spike protein – Spike Support by Wellness Company
Firsthand witness testimony 5-20-23 HTTP://THESANASHOP.REFR.CC/NICOLETTEN
I received my Avazzia Life Evolution kit on May 1, 2023 and started in right away. I had watched the training video’s so I knew where I needed to begin.
I had been suffering with an imbalance issue that was causing me to be very unstable and unable to function, the cause is a long story so I will keep this short.
There are three protocols for the neurological system that I started with: 1 Vargas nerve 2 Tongue stimulator 3 Gamma.
I put them into practice once a day and sometimes using the Tongue stimulator two or three times a day depending on how off balance I was feeling. The first week I didn’t notice much but in week two I began noticing improvement. Week two I was able to sleep and was more relaxed and by the end of the week I was starting to notice I could move or bend or stand without feeling dizzy or like I was going to fall over. Now week three: I was able to sleep freely I could lay on my back or my right side, which was where the issue was focused, I could sit up in bed and stand with no imbalance, I could move freely all day long, stand, bend, move around, I could stand in the kitchen doing dishes or prepare a meal turning from side to side bending up down, reaching etc., it was amazing. I felt so secure again that I started making my tinctures and salve and body lotion again. I’ve had seven straight days of just being normal again, and in this third week, my granddaughter and I pIanted our Vegetable garden and I transplanted a teacup rose plant my sister gave me for mothers day this year. By the way I just turned 71 this April 17th. I will be applying more of the protocols as I learn more as to all the benefits the Evolution home kit has to offer. If you have health issues whether as severe as mine or not, click my link above and discover what the Avazzia Evolution microcurrent can do to help. Many Blessings Nicolette Germano© LS